Four races of wizards, adepts of four magical schools, collide in a brutal fight for world domination. Etherlords, an iconic strategy created by Nival, became a bestseller in the world and earned highest grades from critics.Etherlords is an exciting mix of turn-based strategy and fantasy trading card game.
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Blandede (139) - 43% af de 139 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
12. nov. 2001

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Køb Etherlords

HK$ 39.00

Køb Etherlords Bundle

Indeholder 2 emner: Etherlords, Etherlords II

Etherlords II


“This is the best game ever released in the turn-based fantasy genre.”
87/100 – GameSpy

“Having missions that take hours upon hours to finish is a difficult feature to sell to gamers that may have limited time to spare.”
81/100 – IGN

“Although the grand strategy is a bit misguided, the tactical combat is a splendid twist on the concept of collectible card games.”
81/100 – GameSpot

Om dette spil

Four races of wizards, adepts of four magical schools, collide in a brutal fight for world domination. Etherlords, an iconic strategy created by Nival, became a bestseller in the world and earned highest grades from critics.

Etherlords is an exciting mix of turn-based strategy and fantasy trading card game. Innovative game mechanics that first appeared in this game formed the basics of most modern games of this genre.

Key Features

  • 4 races of magical creatures, each with their own unique lands, architecture, spells and strategy;
  • 2 battle campaigns for each two allied races;
  • More than 300 spells, including sorcery, battle magic, summoning and rituals;
  • More than 10 game levels, all connected by one storyline;
  • 64 heroes of all races; their parameters, special abilities and selected skills progress with each level gained.
  • Individual battle style for each hero with the help of their unique sets of spells;
  • A combination of magical battle system based on table games and strategic use of resources;
  • Full 3D turn-based battles with unlimited variety of tactical decisions;


    • Styresystem: Windows
    • Processor: Pentium II 266 MHz
    • Hukommelse: 64 MB RAM
    • DirectX: Version 7.0
    • Diskplads: 1500 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Styresystem: Windows
    • Processor: Pentium II 450 MHz
    • Hukommelse: 128 MB RAM
    • DirectX: Version 7.0
    • Diskplads: 1500 MB tilgængelig plads

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