A cryptic puzzle/adventure game that blurs the line between fiction and reality. A tale of cultish affairs that sweeps through the nighttime streets of London, weaves through the back alleys of Beijing and beyond. Come with us.
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Planned Release Date: To be announced

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About This Game

We’ve Been Keeping An Eye On You.

One night, Kyra receives a mysterious email that changes her life forever. By replying, she tumbles into an adventure that begins in the colourful crashes of London, onto the winding depths of Beijing's back-alleys and beyond.

Mithra is a puzzle/adventure tale steeped in the mysteries of the world’s first “cult”.

A world to get lost in

Follow Kyra, a young girl from Brixton, South London, whose ties to the ancient group run deeper than she ever thought possible. What unfolds is a surreal tale of loneliness, corruption, evil and power that mirrors the most addictive rabbit hole you’ve ever found yourself lost down.

Beautiful hand-drawn world

Combining hand-drawn artwork, stunning sound design and a carefully crafted narrative, Mithra sets out to show that a good game can be just that and more. Puzzles that blur the lines between abstract thinking and logic, locations that sweep you in, filmic writing and sound that instantly draws you into an alternate world – this is a game made by players who understand the potential of the medium and whose enthusiasm seeks to push it even further.

Unearth hidden truths

For those who like to get lost, find themselves exploring the dark corners of the internet or be engrossed in an alternate reality, Mithra spins a story that you can bury yourself in.

  • Inventive Puzzles
  • Intuitive Controls
  • Stunning Art Direction
  • Atmospheric Audio Design
  • Filmic Narrative

It’s A stone-cold banger. Trust Us.

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 10 or above
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Storage: 500 MB available space
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