Every why has a wherefore. You are trapped, and you must escape. But is that really the goal? Centum is an unreliable narrative-driven adventure where everything may be a lie.
Reseñas generales:
Positivas (41) - El 90 % de las 41 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este juego son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
11 MAR 2025

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Descargar Centum Demo

Comprar Centum

¡OFERTA DE LANZAMIENTO! Finaliza el 25 de marzo

HK$ 95.00
HK$ 76.00

Comprar Centum + The Excavation of Hob's Barrow PACK (?)

Incluye 2 artículo(s): Centum, The Excavation of Hob's Barrow

HK$ 162.45
HK$ 144.40

Acerca de este juego

You're a prisoner in a cell. You have to escape. But is that really the goal?

Unreliable Narrator: Centum challenges traditional gaming conventions by weaving an intricate narrative where reality is as fluid as the mind of its narrator.

Mind-bending Gameplay: Navigate a series of daunting scenarios, each shrouded in uncertainty and enigma. Every click and decision is remembered, forcing you to grapple with the unreliable nature of the narrator's hints and guidance.

Shape the Story: There is no singular protagonist in Centum; instead, players shape the behavior of an artificial intelligence through their choices, guiding it towards different outcomes and experiences.

Dynamic Dialogue System: Engage in conversations that influence the characters' ego states and alter the course of the narrative.

Question Reality: Centum speaks of themes that challenge players to question not only the game's reality but also their own perceptions and beliefs.

Descripción del contenido para adultos

Los desarrolladores describen su contenido así:

Psychological horror and gory elements heavy.

Requisitos del sistema

    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits
    • SO *: Windows 7 or higher, 64-bit
    • Procesador: Intel i5-equivalent processor or higher
    • Memoria: 4 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with dedicated memory, 1GB memory recommended
    • Almacenamiento: 2 GB de espacio disponible
    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits
    • SO *: Windows 7 or higher, 64-bit
    • Procesador: Intel i5-equivalent processor or higher
    • Memoria: 4 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with dedicated memory, 1GB memory recommended
    • Almacenamiento: 2 GB de espacio disponible
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.
    • SO: macOS 10.14
    • Almacenamiento: 2 GB de espacio disponible
    • Almacenamiento: 2 GB de espacio disponible

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