Welcome to Banter, the ultimate social VR sandbox where goofy physics and good times reign supreme! Adventure, excitement, and hilarious experiences with friends await you in the Bantaverse. So, what’re you waiting for? UNMUTE THE VIDEO! Can you recognise the voice?
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Data lansării:
15 sept. 2023

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Joc cu acces timpuriu

Primește imediat acces și implică-te în testarea jocului pe măsură ce este dezvoltat.

Notă: jocurile aflate în acces timpuriu nu sunt complete și se pot schimba sau nu pe viitor. Dacă nu ești dornic să joci acest titlu în stadiul său actual, atunci ar trebui să aștepți pentru a vedea dacă jocul va ajunge într-un stadiu mai avansat al dezvoltării. Află mai multe

Ce au de spus producătorii:

De ce Acces Timpuriu ?

„Our aim is for Banter to become the number one destination for socialising in VR:

- To provide a seamless cross platform experience between PCVR and standalone.
- To build support for the latest technologies including body, face, lip and eye tracking.
- To grow a community around events, content creation and world building.
- To develop tools for streamers and content creators to be able to leverage Banter for professional recording/live streaming.
- To leverage existing tools along with the power of the open web to allow for gamified and connected experiences. We want to delight and engage our users with high replayability potential.
- To build some of the most technically impressive first party content with a strong focus on performance and optimisation.
- To work with our community, to collaborate and build together.
- To support our users, listen to their feedback and implement the popular features that they all want. Taking suggestions in every way possible through our discord ( over 3k members ), facebook, twitter and our steam community.
- To work towards interoperability with other apps in the space, to build the metaverse.

Our early access will allow us to build a community around our spaces and creators while constantly improving the user experience, adding support for more headsets and controllers and improving the tools that give creators the freedom to build their own worlds.

We are pumped!”

Aproximativ cât timp se va afla acest joc în Acces Timpuriu?

„Approximately one year.”

Ce diferențe vor fi între versiunea completă, finală și cea aflată în Acces Timpuriu?

„Over the course of Early Access, just some of the things we plan to add include:
- More "flagship" spaces; that is, premium experiences created by the Banter development team
- Improved support for game creation, and launching our own game spaces: shooters, football, tag - anything is possible!
- Support for more VR headsets and controllers
- Improved creator tools - if we can build it in our flagship spaces, you can build it too!
- Streamlining of support for 2D players including an "easy" control mode for KBM and joypad to go alongside our current "simulated hands" controls
- Constant improvements to the user experience/UI”

Care este starea actuală a versiunii aflate în Acces Timpuriu?

„At launch, we have three of our own flagship spaces that users can explore with their friends and complete strangers: The Backrooms, Slipstream Island, and Winter Sports Resort

We launch with support for OpenXR headsets and controllers including first-class support for Index, Vive and Quest/Touch. If you don't have a VR headset, you can launch in 2D mode and join in the fun, but some of the more complex physics-based motion such as gestures and climbing will currently be difficult.

The User Interface is functional if a little clunky, but we think it's fine to use for now.

As a creator, you can already build your own spaces using AFrame and Unity, and we have basic documentation and examples available for that.”

Va avea jocul aflat în Acces Timpuriu un preț diferit față de versiunea finală?

„No, Banter is likely to remain free.”

Cum dorești să implici comunitatea în procesul tău de dezvoltare?

„We mostly coordinate with our community on Discord, but we will have some presence on the Steam forums too. We love our community and embrace creators and community-run events!”
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Compatibilitate cu RV

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Despre acest joc

Physics-fueled games with friends

Hello there. I assume you’re here to learn more about Banter. It does say ‘About this game’ up there, doesn’t it? Well, SideQuest (do you know them? Great bunch) made a Social VR game. With excellent physics in it. Go ahead and scroll down to see what else you’ll find in Banter. I promise it’s interesting. 

The best physics in Social VR

Harness cutting-edge FlexaPhysics ™️ (made with ❤️ by Nimso) and bend gravity to your will. Or get rid of it entirely. Who needs gravity, anyway?

Be who you want to be

Fully customize your Ready Player Me legs (with avatar) or import your creations from Blender to own your look. You look stunning, by the way.

Banter’s better together

Meet friends and make new ones at Banter’s regular hangouts, meetups, movie nights, karaoke-thons, and more. It’s called Social VR for a reason. 

Get your game on—and push that tush

From Ski Jump to Tush Push, challenge your pals on the Banter leaderboards. Can you become the number one number two?

Share in the adventure

Portal across the Banter-verse, explore thousands of community-created worlds, and survive the Banter Backrooms if you dare…

Slam your body down and wind it all around

Or don’t… Either way, you’ve got options for motion-tracking.

If you build it, they will come…

Build worlds, make games, host events, and share it all with the Banter community. Go on. Flap your wings like a social butterfly. 

Join the Banter

Banter is free to play—and always will be. Welcome to our worlds.

Cerințe de sistem

    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO: Windows 10
    • Procesor: Intel Core i5-4590/AMD FX 8350 equivalent or better
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafică: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, AMD Radeon R9 290 equivalent or better
    • Stocare: 1 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Compatibilitate cu RV: OpenXR, requires motion controllers
    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO: Windows 10
    • Procesor: Intel Core i5-4590/AMD FX 8350 equivalent or better
    • Grafică: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080, AMD Radeon R9 290 equivalent or better
    • Stocare: 8 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Compatibilitate cu RV: OpenXR, requires motion controllers

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