Uncover the mystery of a land beset by a Falling Star's curse in this Roguelike Strategy RPG inspired by the classics. Build your party, recruit new allies, and synergize your team's skills for decisive victory.
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Data di rilascio:
7 feb 2025

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Scarica Astral Throne Beta

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Data di rilascio prevista: 7 feb 2025

Questo gioco sarà sbloccato tra circa 5 giorni

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“Guys, I'm in love”

“There’s a lot here for fans of SRPGs to sink their teeth into”
Turn Based Lovers

“I cant wait for this game to finish, I want to keep playing my combos after act one ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Guy who has over 90 hours in the demo

Informazioni sul gioco

Experience a new twist on a familiar genre ✨

Embark on an enigmatic journey in Astral Throne, a captivating blend of retro-style turn-based strategy and roguelike adventure. Navigate a once-prosperous land cloaked in a memory-stealing fog from a fallen star.

Fight through a series of tightly designed hand-crafted combat encounters while building a formidable army through Roguelite-style level-ups and loot. Synergize your party’s classes, equipment, weapons, and skills in various ways - all while experiencing a mysterious story that changes depending on who you recruit and choices you make.

  • Astral Throne is a unique blend of Roguelike, Strategy, and RPG

  • Strategize around weapon and magic triangles, stat and experience distribution, and permadeath

  • Encounters are handcrafted to retain the tight design of a strategic experience

  • However, there are pockets of variance through enemy spawns, recruitable characters, loot, and the layout of an ever-changing overworld

  • Small choices can lead to vastly different outcomes every run

  • Flexibly customize your party, which can change drastically between runs

  • Each playthrough presents numerous opportunities to change your characters' builds in diverse ways

  • Synergize classes, skills, and ability-granting equipment

  • Choose your path through a procedurally generated overworld map and which objectives you accomplish

  • Collect weapons, items, and team-affecting relics that can change every run

  • Unlock and recruit characters, heroes, and leaders that offer diverse experiences

  • Replay with a multitude of difficulty modifiers that put your skills to the test

  • Menus are snappy and responsive, and a deep tooltip system offers extensive clarity of information

  • Explore a once-prosperous realm shrouded in memory-stealing Stardust

  • Each hero has unique character traits and stories that blend to create a compelling world

  • The story of each run changes depending on who you've recruited into your party

  • Even the music adapts to your actions in encounters and the world map

  • Reveal the truth of a mysterious plot over the course of multiple runs

Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo: Windows 10
    • Processore: Intel Core i5-3470
    • Memoria: 8 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480
    • Memoria: 2 GB di spazio disponibile
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