Wake up abandoned child, for your target has finally shown its face. Orblike Madness is an ARPG/Twin-Stick Shooter where you must enter the palace that holds the gate to heaven and dwelve into the depths of its dungeon to find the blood-drinking beast that invaded it.
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Заинтересовани сте?
Добавете я към своя списък с желания и бъдете известени, когато стане достъпна.
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Относно тази игра

Deep into abandonment and solitude, for the three longest years of your life you have searched for the beast that terrifies the whole world. Now the news arrived, the beast is trying to reach the astral planes, and you are the only one that knows how to stop it.

Wake up abandoned child, for your target has finally shown its face. Orblike Madness is an ARPG/Twin-Stick Shooter where you must enter the palace that holds the gate to heaven and dwelve into the depths of its dungeon to find the blood-drinking beast that invaded it.


  • Various weapons and magical artifacts to crush your enemies with; anything ranging from screwdrivers to miniguns to magical orbs.
  • A wide array of powerful spells which can be upgraded;
  • Dungeons full of monsters and loot, with meaningful quests to complement them
  • Various available builds for you to play with, and a complete freedom to reset your character whenever you want.
  • An unnecessary number of catgirls.

Описание на съдържание за възрастни

Разработчиците описват съдържанието така:


Системни изисквания

    • ОС: Windows 10 or more
    • Процесор: Yes
    • Памет: 8 GB памет
    • Видеокарта: Graphics Card compatible with Vulkan
    • Пространство за съхранение: 500 MB достъпно пространство
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