A deckbuilding adventure card game set in a rustic Norwegian town during the 90's. Draft cards and build powerful combos. Explore a hand-crafted world across multiple runs. Uncover an unsettling mystery... wait, why are you beating up all these people?
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huhtikuuta 2025

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Lataa Skogdal Demo

Peli ei ole vielä saatavilla Steamissä

Suunniteltu julkaisupäivä: huhtikuuta 2025

Lisää toivelistallesi, niin saat ilmoituksen, kun peli on saatavilla.
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Tietoa pelistä

Something strange is afoot in the small idyllic Norwegian town of Skogdal...

Skogdal is a deckbuilding adventure card game. Explore a large hand-crafted world with weird, but familiar inhabitants. To uncover an unsettling mystery, you will have to explore multiple paths through Skogdal, across multiple runs.

As a strategic card game, Skogdal offers hundreds of unique and different cards for you to discover and draft. Build powerful combos with the help of followers you can recruit on your journey: the local politician might help bribe your way to success, the pyromaniac might offer the solution you are looking for, or maybe simply bring along a friend with pizza.

There will be infinite combos, a mountain to climb, secret minigames, an arcade hall, a cabin in the woods, point & click adventure game elements, cards, mechanics that will surprise you as you explore Skogdal. Good luck, the truth is out there...

Aikuissisällön kuvaus

Kehittäjät ovat kuvailleet sisältöä seuraavasti:

This game is meant to reflect the lives of young adults, containing dark humor, crude language and cursing, references and imagery of alcohol and insinuated drug use. No explicit violence. Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages.


    • Käyttöjärjestelmä *: Windows 7/10
    • Suoritin: 2 GHZ, 2 cores
    • Muisti: 8 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Versio 10
    • Tallennus: 5 GB kiintolevytilaa
    • Lisätietoja: It's a Unity game with low performance requirements
* 1.1.24 alkaen Steam-asiakasohjelma tukee vain Windows 10:tä ja uudempia versioita.
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