BlueSuburbia is a haunted world where you explore poems through immersive environments. Seek out dark secrets, confront your demons, and delve deeper into a dream that dances between beautiful and terrible. Explore forgotten dreamscapes and open worlds on your quest to find hope.
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Spíše kladné (32) - 78 % z 32 uživatelů ohodnotilo tuto hru kladně.
Datum vydání:
29. pro. 2023

Abyste mohli tento produkt přidat do svého seznamu přání, začít ho sledovat nebo ho zařadit mezi ignorované, musíte se nejprve přihlásit.

Hra s předběžným přístupem

Získejte okamžitý přístup, začněte hrát a zapojte se do vývoje této hry.

Poznámka: Hry s předběžným přístupem nejsou dokončené a během vývoje se mohou, ale nemusí změnit. Pokud Vás tedy tato hra nyní nezaujala, zkuste počkat, než se dostane do další fáze vývoje. Více informací zde

Zpráva od vývojářů:

Proč předběžný přístup?

„BlueSuburbia will be in development for a long time, with stable updates being released regularly to build on the world and stories.
The intention of sharing the production as Early Access is to let people enjoy what is done, while letting players be part of the process.
BlueSuburbia will remain free for the extend that it is in Early Access. When finished, BlueSuburbia will be payment only.“

Přibližně jak dlouho bude tato hra v předběžném přístupu?

„The estimated release date is roughly late October 2025. This may change. This is a large project and it is hard to say for certain. The hope is to have the major portion of the first iteration done by the end of next year.“

Jak se bude plná verze lišit od předběžného přístupu?

„The Early Access version of BlueSuburbia will give players access to the open worlds and poetry. You can already explore the beginning of the journey. There are a number of open worlds coming, with interesting stories and horror elements that will elaborate on the narrative context of the world.
The ending story arch will be saved for the finished version.“

V jaké fázi vývoje se hra nachází?

„The Early Access version features an open world to explore, and early portions of the story. Please see the "About This" section for more information about what to expect.

Any Early Access version will be stable and as polished as possible to give players the best possible experience. A minor amount of bugs are expected, but there is no intention of releasing anything that is too raw or unstable.
Quality will be like a public demo that is incrementally built on.“

Změní se cena hry po skončení předběžného přístupu?

„BlueSuburbia will remain free during the extent of Early Access. This is to keep it fair for both players that want to experience it, and myself because I want to share it with people without anyone feeling like I took advantage of them or promised something unfairly. It's free. Players don't lose anything.
Once the finished paid version is out, players can make an informed decision if they want to buy it or not based on their experience with the Early Access version.“

Jak plánujete zapojit komunitu do vývoje této hry?

„Community involvement will be in the form of feedback. Early Access is used to share what already exists with curious players excited to see how BlueSuburbia is shaping up.
Players can give constructive feedback via Twitter (@alienmelon) Instagram (@alienmeloooooooooon) or Mastodon (@[email protected]).
Or they can leave a review on Steam.“
Zjistit více
Čeština není podporována

Tento produkt nepodporuje Váš místní jazyk. Seznam podporovaných jazyků je k dispozici níže na této stránce.

Stáhnout BlueSuburbia Demo

Hrát BlueSuburbia

Free to play
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“It's exciting and chilling all at the same time, as you never really know what you'll stumble across next. Walking through doors, clicking on words or otherwise discovering a new area initiates a short scene interspersed with text. They're all different, they're all a little breathtaking, and they're completely fascinating to watch.”
Jay Is Games

“It’s a mystifying, confusing, stunning and captivating game that does a great job of taking short form writing and placing it in environments that really elevate the experience. A powerful and poignant poetic experience well worth diving into.”
Alpha Beta Gamer

“BlueSuburbia takes you to a place that is filled with a lonely kind of menace – an oppressive fear that crushes you as it tells you that no one will come save you.”
Indie Games Plus

Informace o hře

BlueSuburbia is interactive poetry and literature.
It is a haunted dreamscape where you explore poems through immersive environments. Wander through the world of poetry, seek out dark secrets, confront your demons, and delve deeper into a dream that dances between beautiful and terrible.
Forgotten dreamscapes and open worlds are yours to explore as you venture on your quest to find hope in the darkness.

BlueSuburbia is about struggle, survival, tenacity, strength, and hope... along with a healthy dose of existentialism. It is a commentary on strength and persistence despite the world trying to destroy you... the light you feel inside that does not let you give up, even when the world around you is at its darkest.

It is a beautiful horror.

Features include large open worlds to explore, with poetry and writing that you uncover in these haunted spaces. It is immersive literature.

This is a reboot of the 1999 cult classic Flash website.
It is currently under production. Regular updates to the demo will be released until it is finished.

Popis obsahu pro dospělé

Jak obsah tohoto produktu popisují jeho vývojáři:

There is insinuation of violence and described violence in writing. This is a horror. Some of the themes will be unsettling and describing physical harm.

Systémové požadavky

    • Vyžaduje 64bitový procesor a operační systém
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Procesor: 11th Gen Intel Core i7
    • Paměť: 32 GB RAM
    • Grafická karta: Intel Arc & Iris Xe Graphics
    • DirectX: Verze 11
    • Připojení: Širokopásmové připojení k internetu
    • Pevný disk: 10 GB volného místa
    • Zvuková karta: Realtek Audio
    • Podpora VR: No
    • Dodatečné poznámky: You need DirectX 11 Compatible Hardware
    • Vyžaduje 64bitový procesor a operační systém
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Procesor: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor
    • Paměť: 32 GB RAM
    • Grafická karta: Graphics AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT
    • DirectX: Verze 11
    • Připojení: Širokopásmové připojení k internetu
    • Pevný disk: 20 GB volného místa
    • Zvuková karta: Realtek Audio
    • Podpora VR: No
    • Dodatečné poznámky: You need DirectX 11 Compatible Hardware

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