You are Toolman inside ball. Roll and try to reach goal as soon as you can and avoid falling from map and beware obstacles
Minden értékelés:
Pozitív (14) - E játék 14 felhasználói értékeléséből 85% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2023. máj. 11.

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Rolling Toolman vásárlása

Valkeala Software Bundle vásárlása CSOMAG (?)

115 elemet tartalmaz: Tales of Destruction, Nash Racing, Survival Driver, Labyrinth Escape, Inferno Puzzle, Lawnmower Game, Survival driver 2: Heavy vehicles, Triple Otakus Puzzle, Gravity Light, Go Kart Survival, Nash Racing 2: Muscle cars, Cyborg Invasion Shooter, Mustache Politics Shooter, Lawnmower Game 2: Drifter, The Warrior Of Treasures, Zomby Soldier, Thirsty Bubble, Battle Of Keys, Cyborg Invasion Shooter 2: Battle Of Earth, Slayer Of Traitors, Horror Fish Simulator, Horny Fighter, The Putinland: Divide & Conquer, 70 Seconds Survival, Save President From Rebels, Lawnmower Game 3: Horror, CMD 2048, The Warrior Of Treasures 2: Skull Hunter, Pixel Robot Hunter, Gangsta Sniper, Run Naked Woman Run, Super president How to rule the country, Gangsta Sniper 2: Revenge, Death Rpg, Cyborg Invasion Shooter 3: Savior Of The World, Deep Race: Space, Lawnmower Game 4: The Final Cut, Quest For Wartorn Brotherhood, Save Daddy Trump, Put In - Run Out, Gangsta Woman, Trump Vs Rocketman, Deep Race: Battle, Angry Golf, Angry Bunny, Gangsta Sniper 3: Final Parody, Terro Lunkka Adventures, Guardians Of Rings, The Sperminator: Rescuing Tzar Vlad, Angry Bunny 2: Lost hole, Angry Bunny 3: Virus, Lawnmower Game: Next Generation, Gangsta Magic, Lawnmower Game: Racing, Super Ultimatum Quiz, Marble Parkour, Save daddy trump 2: The Final Triumph, Super Clown Adventures, Survive Isolation, Fancy the Frog, RPG: Squad battle, War Of Gold, Marble Parkour 2: Roll and roll, Super Drag Race, Lawnmower Game: Battle, Lawnmower Game: Space Fight, Soulsland, Lawnmower Game: Pinball, Super Clown: Lost Diamonds, Pixel Robot Return, Lost Island, Gangsta: The Return, Horror In Valkeala, Oil Invasion, Gasnator, Lawnmower game: Mortal Race, Music Man, Where are my potatoes?, Worm Runner, Nash Racing 3: Drifter, Save Daddy Trump 3: Rise Of Evil, Lawnmower Game: Space Race, Soulsland: Last Fight, Beat The Devil, Mission In Space, War Of Gold 2 Mission 99, Super Clown 3: Revenge, Nash Racing: Pursuit, Skeleton Runner, Nash Racing: 70 seconds left, Lawnmower Game: Ufo Chase, Lawnmower Game: Find Trump, Lawnmower Game: Zombies, Super Bear: Hunt for the lost beer, Rolling Toolman, Soulsland 3: Spider Invasion, Lawnmower Game: Mission X, Music Man 2: New land, Rhino Runner, Rhino Puzzle, Destroy Korcity, Lost Princess, Rolling Toolman 2 Deathly Traps, Fallen Ninja, Lost Princess: Winterland, Bemis Wamilton Racing, Western Redemption, Where are my potatoes 2: Land Of Mystery, Vigaro Runner, Lost Princess: Darkness, Trash Top Down Racing, Lost Princess: City, Nash Racing: Battle, Weed Harvest, Music Man 3: Last Dance

HK$ 641.58
HK$ 605.78


A játékról


Player are Toolman inside ball in this roller ball game. Every level player mission is to reach goal as fast as can. There are difficult controls and obstacles like rotating cube and pushing platform which can push player out of map and then player will die. Collect hammers every level, by collecting 20 hammers player get an extra life. Every level end there are saw which gives player steam achievement. Game can be played in single mode where player can play any level he wants. In story mode player starts from level 1 and have 3 lifes and can get more by collecting hammers. Story mode player can play every 20 levels in row but if player loses every lifes he need start game from level 1 again.
Single mode is for those who wants just play levels randomly and story mode for hardcore gamers. So be the most coolest Toolman and finish all 20 levels


- 20 levels
- Steam Achievements
- Collect hammers to gain extra lifes
- Story mode: Play all levels in a row
- Single level: can play every level at single game mode
- Save best time system


    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer *: windows 8
    • Processzor: i5
    • Memória: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafika: NVidia GeForce 800 series
    • DirectX: Verzió: 9.0
    • Tárhely: 1 GB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: Direct x9
    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer *: Windows 8.1
    • Processzor: i5
    • Memória: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafika: NVIDIA GeForce 1060
    • DirectX: Verzió: 9.0
    • Tárhely: 1 GB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: Direct x9
* 2024. január 1-jétől a Steam kliens csak a Windows 10 és újabb verziókat fogja támogatni.

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