Build colonies and portals. Protect your settlers from catastrophes. Find the lost components. Mine resources. Escape with a rocket. Save us all!
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Informazioni sul gioco

In this puzzle colony builder you search for lost parts of your spaceship AUTARKIS. Build and manage several settlements at the same time and use portals to supply them. But be careful, the planets you visit are full of dangers.

Tactical Colony Layout

When your settlers land on a planet, they will find a harsh environment. Each building depends on its neighbours. Think carefully about the most efficient way to build your colony.

Running Multiple Colonies at the Same Time

Advanced portal technology allows you to manage multiple colonies at once. Explore new sectors of a planet to find lost ship parts. However, sometimes it might be necessary to abandon one of your settlements.

Surviving Against All Odds

Life on an alien planet is unforgiving. Your colony may face meteor showers, toxic clouds, floods or even the destruction of an entire sector. At worst, you will have to launch a second settlement expedition. Failure is part of the game.

Adapting to Varied Environments

You will establish colonies on various planets. Each with different conditions. Build in an Earth-like environment, among giant mushrooms or on windy desert plains.

The Journey Back to AUTARKIS

The ultimate goal of every settlement expedition is to return to the mothership AUTARKIS. Ideally with the ship components you are looking for, but of course the lives of your settlers are your first priority.

Requisiti di sistema

SteamOS + Linux
    • Richiede un processore e un sistema operativo a 64 bit
    • Sistema operativo: Windows 10
    • Processore: 1.5 GHz
    • Memoria: 4096 MB di RAM
    • Richiede un processore e un sistema operativo a 64 bit
    • Sistema operativo: 12.5.x
    • Processore: M1/M2
      • Sistema operativo: Ubuntu/Debian/SteamOS
      • Processore: 1.5 GHz
      • Memoria: 4096 MB di RAM
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