A roguelite game where the player controls the actions and the character automatically attacks. Control the brave with different talents, survive the fight with monsters and enrich their own profession composition, become a master of all profession, defeat the Kings of the undead in this world.
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10. mai 2023

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Kjøp D-World Gate

Kjøp Product collection PAKKE (?)

Inkluderer 2 produkt: Night Raider, D-World Gate

HK$ 50.15

Om spillet

D-World Gate is an action roguelite game, you need to control the brave with different talents to hold on to the surge of enemy attacks, and destroy as many enemies as possible to obtain gold to improve their profession composition, challenge the powerful Kings of the undead. There are two modes of action, automatic aiming attack and manual aiming attack, but the player must control the movement of the character. In each level, there are a lot of enemies coming at you, and you can either kill them to get gold, or you can go to the next level without dying before the level runs out of time. At the end of each level, you can spend coins earned to upgrade your profession and build your profession system.

Game features
⭐Quick combat flow: You don't have to actively seek out enemies, they will swarm around you, all you have to do is kill them and collect gold!
⭐Hundreds of career options: There are nine profession system in the game, each of which has dozens of professions to obtain, and the tenth hidden profession system "hidden profession" for you to explore.
⭐Take proper breaks: Each level is short (tens of seconds). After completing a level, you are out of danger for a while. Use the breaks to spend gold on building your class.
⭐Varying difficulty scenarios: Depending on the difficulty you choose, you will enter different types of scenarios, with more difficult scenarios having more complex terrain and environments.
⭐Easy combat experience: In combat, the default character automatically aims and attacks, and the player only has to concentrate on moving to avoid enemies and inferior terrain.
⭐Variety of protagonist choices: Different characters have unique talents and skills, and you don't have to spend time unlocking them one by one, to enjoy them all!
⭐Changing enemy characteristics: Each enemy has different behavior patterns and attributes, and new enemy classes are added as difficulty increases.


    • OS *: Windows 7+
    • Prosessor: Intel i5+
    • Minne: 220 MB RAM
    • Grafikk: Nvidia 450 GTS / Radeon HD 5750 or better
    • Lagring: 160 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • Lydkort: Any
    • OS *: Windows 7+
    • Prosessor: Intel i5+
    • Minne: 400 MB RAM
    • Grafikk: Nvidia GTX 460 / Radeon HD 7800 or better
    • Lagring: 200 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • Lydkort: Any
* Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

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