Answer the summons to the parallel world of "Kamitsubaki City" and meet a cast of colorful characters as you set out on a quest to save this city from the brink of destruction in this dark-fantasy sci-fi visual novel!
Minden értékelés:
Pozitív (44) - E játék 44 felhasználói értékeléséből 93% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2025. márc. 12.

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神椿市建設中。REGENERATE vásárlása

BEVEZETŐ AJÁNLAT! Az ajánlat vége: március 26.

HK$ 218.00
HK$ 196.20

A játékról

In a world parallel to our own resides the city of Kamitsubaki.
One day, the player, an "Observer," is summoned to this ill-fated world.
There, they meet a girl named Kafu, and set out on a quest with her to save the world from its impending doom.

"KAMITSUBAKI CITY REGENERATE" is a dark-fantasy science fiction visual novel taking place in "Kamitsubaki City."
The city is brought to life with stunning illustrations and fully-voiced characters, each with their own unique sprites.
The game possesses the most extensive story in the series that cuts straight to the heart of Kamitsubaki City, featuring numerous popular songs from Kamitsubaki's vocal artists that link to the plot and expand the scale of the world's lore.

The player's choices in Kamitsubaki City weave the story in vastly different directions.
Observe the tale unfold as you harmonize with the characters and music and bear witness to the city's ultimate fate.

*This game and "KAMITSUBAKI CITY VIRTUAL REALITY" share the same basic story. Furthermore, the story is standalone, meaning those unfamiliar with the series can play these games with no worries.

—What is the "Kamitsubaki City Under Construction." series?
An original IP project by KAMITSUBAKI STUDIO in development since 2019.
One of multiple story projects whose lore is linked to the studio's vocal artists, starting with tales centered around the parallel world of Kamitsubaki City.

Kafu Morisaki: KAF
Rime Tanioki: RIM
Haru Asanushi: Harusaruhi
Sekai Yorukawa: Isekaijoucho
Koko Rinne: KOKO


    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: Intel® Core™ i3-10110U
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Tárhely: 10 GB szabad hely

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