Surpass the challenges of the Spire. Your legacy begins now. Prove your worth.
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Data lansării:
3 dec. 2022

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Cumpără Spire of Glory


Despre acest joc

Fight your way through the Spire to climb to the top. You start as weak as it gets and will need to make the right choices to get strong enough to survive the Spire's challenges.

Defeat your enemies to get crystals in order to buy and improve your items as well as expand your team. Get a sense of how the Map works and make the right choices to optimize your rewards and chances to survive. During battle, you will need to reposition your team at the right time, optimizing their abilities and negating the enemies'.


* Classic autobattle with a small but key difference: Repositioning in-battle.
* Team managing, strategy and positioning. All the choices that you make will have a big impact on the result.
* Item shops, upgrades and rerolling.
* Character system and level through special items.
* Randomly generated encounters according to depth of the Spire.
* Stance selection, to manipulate what your team does, in-battle and out of battle.
* Level up and unlock items.
* Pool-building system in a pre-run environment that will allow you to manipulate the item generation, creating your own builds, making you stronger over time only if you are clever about it.


* 8 hero classes.
* 20+ enemy classes.
* 78 unique items.
* 8 unique rooms.
* Pool-building system to manipulate item generation.
* Ridiculous synergies.
* Cool pixel art style and glow.

Your legacy begins now. Prove your worth.

Cerințe de sistem

    • SO *: Windows 7
    • Stocare: 540 MB spațiu disponibil
* Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.
    • Memorie: 560 MB RAM

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