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Forgive My Sins & Desires, Father - Boys Love (BL) Visual Novel
Samael suffers from delusions. He feels lost until he encounters a priest one day. The priest is the only person in the world who makes him feel at peace. This, however, slowly turns into an obsession. Will Samael learn how to love properly or will he fall into a path of darkness? You decide.
Alle Rezensionen:
Sehr positiv (85) - 85 % der 85 Nutzerrezensionen für dieses Spiel sind positiv.
22. Okt. 2022
Automatischer Videostart

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Forgive My Sins & Desires, Father - Boys Love (BL) Visual Novel spielen


Infos zum Spiel

Mentions of blood, death, abuse, hallucinations, stalking, and infidelity.
This work is fictional and is NOT meant to harm any religion or religious figure.
This work is NOT meant to represent everyone with psychosis.
NOT suitable for minors or those who are easily disturbed.

Samael suffers from delusions because of a sin he committed in the past. He feels lost and troubled until he encounters a priest one day. The priest's voice and presence are the only things that make him feel at peace. This, however, slowly turns into an obsession. Will Samael learn how to love properly or will he fall into a path of darkness? You decide.

8 Endings
2 POVs (You can play as Samael or the priest. Their endings are all different.)
20K Words
Multiple choices to determine Samael's fate.

Beschreibung nicht jugendfreier Inhalte

Der Entwickler beschreibt die Inhalte wie folgt:

Mentions of blood, death, abuse, hallucinations, stalking, and infidelity.


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