SULFUR is a modern old-school action-adventure: Outsmart enemies, find treasure, improve weapons, harness powers. Delve deeper, find answers, make it end.
Legutóbbi értékelések:
Nagyon pozitív (218) - 218 felhasználói értékelésből 85% pozitív az utóbbi 30 napban.
Minden értékelés:
Nagyon pozitív (3,337) - E játék 3,337 felhasználói értékeléséből 87% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2024. okt. 28.

Jelentkezz be, hogy ezt a tételt a kívánságlistádhoz adhasd, követhesd vagy mellőzöttnek jelölhesd.

Korai hozzáférésű játék

Szerezz azonnali hozzáférést és kezdj játszani; légy részese a játék fejlődésének.

Megjegyzés: A korai hozzáférésű játékok nincsenek készen, és vagy változnak a továbbiakban, vagy nem. Ha nem izgat az ezzel a játékkal való játék a jelenlegi állapotában, érdemes lehet várnod, míg a játék fejlesztése előrehaladottabbá válik. Tudj meg többet.

Mit mondanak a fejlesztők:

Miért a Korai Hozzáférés?

„Early Access is the perfect fit for SULFUR given its system-based, modular design that allows us to rapidly introduce new content. By inviting players to join us earlier in the development process, we can integrate community feedback more dynamically, enhancing both the game's evolution and the overall fun. This approach not only makes sense for our production timeline but also adds excitement for players who get to experience and influence the game's growth from the ground up.”

Körülbelül mennyi ideig lesz ez a játék a Korai Hozzáférésben?

„We're aiming for the record of the shortest Early Access period in history—famous last words, right? But seriously, we're targeting a 1.0 release to approach with a reasonable pace. All the future content is designed and scoped out, ready to be implemented and tested. However, since SULFUR is a system-based Roguelike Adventure, it requires a fair bit of tinkering and fine-tuning to get everything just right. We want to ensure the final product is something special, and getting there with your feedback will be key.”

A tervek szerint miben fog különbözni a teljes verzió a korai hozzáférésűtől?

„Players can expect significant expansions in the full version of SULFUR. We're planning to add new maps to explore, enhancing our arsenal with more sophisticated weaponry, introducing more gear, food, and presenting tougher challenges to conquer. We want to bring something fresh with each update, adding to the depth and diversity of the game.”

Milyen állapotban van jelenleg a korai hozzáférésű verzió?

„We're planning to kick off Early Access with five areas: Caves, Town, Sewers, Dungeon, and Castle. Each biome has unique enemies, challenges, and distinct types of loot to discover. This initial release is all about laying a solid foundation and opening up plenty of opportunities for system exploration and player feedback. Many have been playing the SULFUR demo for hundreds of hours already, so we hope to add to the replayability and variaty!”

Eltérően lesz árazva a játék a korai hozzáférés alatt és azt követően?

„Yes, we will likely offer SULFUR at a lower price during Early Access as a thank you to the community for participating and providing feedback. The price may increase upon the release of the full version to reflect the additional content and improvements.”

Hogyan tervezitek bevonni a közösséget a fejlesztés folyamatába?

„Join our Discord! You can easily jump into our Discord community to chat directly with the development team, share your feedback, and discuss your experiences with other players. This is your chance to influence the game's direction by reporting bugs, suggesting improvements, and participating in community polls. We’ll be actively engaging in conversations, gathering insights, and making updates based on what you tell us. Your input is invaluable as we shape SULFUR together into the ultimate FPS Roguelike! To get redirected to our discord, press one of the link in the sidebar, or go to”
A Magyar nyelv nem támogatott.

Ez a termék nem támogatja a nálad beállított nyelvet. Kérjük, vásárlás előtt tekintsd át a támogatott nyelvek listáját.

SULFUR vásárlása

HK$ 156.00

Sulfur x I Am Your Beast vásárlása CSOMAG (?)

2 elemet tartalmaz: I Am Your Beast, SULFUR

HK$ 252.90
HK$ 219.15
Összes téma megnézése

Jelents hibákat és adj visszajelzést erről a játékról az üzenőfalon.


“This game has some of the best-feeling gunplay I’ve experienced in a long time. (...) Every time I think I’ve seen it all, Sulfur throws something new at me!”
– Splattercat, YouTube

“Extremely enjoyable and addictive”
9/10 – The Geekly Grind, Andros Craig

“Sulfur is already shaping up to be one of the best roguelike shooters, and it’s not even finished yet!”
– Rogueliker, Mike Holmes


A játékról

Plan ahead, outsmart enemies and progress a world of dark creatures and cunning evil. Utilize playful and tactile weaponry in visceral and intense combat. Create unique builds by combining weapons, gear, tools, and enchantments to suit your playstyle. Whether you’re a gun-blazing risk-taker or a careful strategist, the choice is yours. Adapt your approach, experiment, and survive the dangers of Sulfur.

Enter a world packed with relentless action, powerful firearms, and dynamic FPS combat, where unpredictable enemies lurk in every shadow. Arm yourself with an array of weapons that can be modified and enchanted with a vast range of attachments and effects.

As you explore, uncover hidden secrets, collect valuable loot, and discover rare treasures – but tread carefully. Every decision counts: the gear you bring may be lost if you fail, and the equipment you leave behind won't be there when you need it most. Risk and reward are tightly intertwined in every choice you make.

Experience the atmosphere, suspense and tribulation of a world in redemption. What happened? And why? Travel through eerie caverns, sordid Black Guild shanties, putrid sewers and pass through castle walls and beyond. Go deeper, head on. Answers come to those who listen.

Explore, discover, uncover. On your adventure you encounter strange creatures in unexpected places—pay attention to their warnings. Whether they despise, admire, or ignore you, your path is yours to forge. Stay alert; these encounters may offer insights, but ultimately, it’s up to you to push forward and find the answers you seek.

A bloodstained white collar

Dirt on your shoes

Your shoulders are aching

Is this but a ruse?

A coven is suspect

A church is aflame

Who is the culprit?

Who is to blame?

Ocean screaming,

Twisting turning

Mouth is dry,

Eyes are burning

But you must tread on,

There is no remorse

Brush the saltwater film

off your Palehorse™

Felnőtt tartalom leírása

A fejlesztők így írják le a tartalmat:

The blood of your enemies, and visual gore.


    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10 64-bit
    • Processzor: 2.4 GHZ Dual Core Processor
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: GTX 970 or equivalent
    • DirectX: Verzió: 9.0
    • Tárhely: 4 GB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: Must handle loud beats and explosions
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10 64-bit
    • Processzor: 2.4 GHZ Quad Core Processor
    • Memória: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafika: GTX 1080 or equivalent
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Tárhely: 4 GB szabad hely

A(z) SULFUR vásárlói értékelései




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