Take on a role of a hardened PMC fighter in a dark turn-based extraction RPG. Engage in unforgiving combat, manage your ship and pile up the bodies of your clones to unravel the dark mystery behind threat to all life.
Nylige anmeldelser:
Veldig positive (82) - 87 % av de 82 brukeranmeldelsene fra de siste 30 dagene er positive.
Alle anmeldelser:
Veldig positive (3,530) - 81 % av 3,530 brukeranmeldelser for dette spillet er positive.
2. okt. 2023

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Hva utviklerne har å si:

Hvorfor tidlig tilgang?

«We are a small team working on a rather ambitious game that combines multiple systems and an unconventional combination of mechanics. We want to ensure that we are moving in the right direction, both in terms of the functioning of the game systems and overall difficulty and balance.»

Hvor lenge antas det at dette spillet vil være i tidlig tilgang?

«We are aiming for a release sometime in 2025. The exact date will depend on the speed of iterating new systems and refining existing ones, so it may change.»

Hvordan er det planlagt at fullversjonen skal være forskjellig fra versjonen i tidlig tilgang?

«We aim to make Quasimorph a dynamic system that creates situations for players on its own. To achieve this, we will be developing the game systems in two directions:

Missions and Combat System - We will expand the rotation of playable classes, dynamic events, various conditions and objectives, equipment, and diverse adversaries.

Solar System, global conflict, and trade - all the systems 'outside of battle.' We want to achieve a dynamic world where new interesting orders and contracts will be generated by your allies and rivals, and where you can influence the situation in the Solar System by working for different clients.

Later, we will provide a roadmap that allows you to track the progress of the game's development.»

Hva er nåværende tilstand for versjonen i tidlig tilgang?

«Turn-based combat system that requires attentiveness and careful preservation of the character's life. You play as a clone of one of the mercenaries from a private military company (PMC), choosing their class, equipping them, and sending them to certain death. For now game have:
  • 12 characters with different attributes
  • 6 classes with 6 perks and progression
  • 3 special active abilities
By the release, we plan to increase the number of these elements significantly, creating a greater number of unique combinations.

Unique progression system:
During each mission, you must complete a task and survive using your equipment while finding new items during the mission. If you survive, you get to keep your loot. If you die, you lose everything.

Game world:
A global map where different factions battle for influence and bases, increasing their power. Conflicts between factions create tasks that players can undertake to develop relationships with the factions and receive new gear, missions, and other opportunities. You will have access to 5 planets with a unique set of locations, missions, enemies, and tasks.»

Vil spillet være priset annerledes under og etter tidlig tilgang?

«Yes, the price will gradually increase as the game grows in terms of content volume and variability in mechanics and gameplay.»

Hvordan planlegger dere å involvere samfunnet i utviklingsprosessen?

«We welcome feedback through our Discord and Steam Discussions channels.»
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Kjøp Quasimorph

SPESIALKAMPANJE! Tilbudet utløper 13. mars

HK$ 149.00
HK$ 119.20

Kjøp Unforgiving Roguelikes - Limited Time Discount PAKKE (?)

Inkluderer 2 produkt: Stoneshard, Quasimorph

HK$ 231.00
HK$ 172.87

Kjøp Quasimorph - Supporter Bundle PAKKE (?)

Inkluderer 2 produkt: Quasimorph, Quasimorph - Supporter Pack

HK$ 193.50
HK$ 154.80
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Om spillet

Quasimorph is a mix of classic turn-based roguelike RPG with an unique extraction twist:

If you die, you lose everything you took on the mission.

If you survive, you keep everything you looted.

No exceptions. No excuses. No mercy.

Nothing in this Endless Space is belongs to you.

Far into the future, the space itself is privatized. Corporations actively seize control of the Solar System and trying to extend their reach far beyond its boundaries. It will be up to you to uncover the truth and the unforgivable things humanity has committed in the deep, dark depths of space

Level the playing field. At any cost.

Become the boss of your own Private Military Company: carry out orders from corporations, earn reputation with your blood and sweat. Explore planetary bases, secret labs, and wreckage of spaceships to find new technologies, abilities, and other items that will help you level the playing field during operations.

Overcome, adapt and become better.

Remember that you have an advantage: clone the best employees and send them to certain death to probe the weaknesses of your opponents. There is no need to risk valuable human assets and expose your PMC to unnecessary legal risks, but nobody cares about the fate of a clones.

Unravel the mystery of Quasimorphosis.

A strange disease is spreading on space stations. Crew members are getting sick with an unknown fever, and the rifts are opening the way to demons from Bramphatur to our dimension. Find out the dark secret behind this threat to all life and pile up the bodies of your clones to overcome anyone standing in your way.

Don't bury yourself under crossfire.

Corporations hire ruthless mercenaries to carry out their shadow operations. Demons distort human nature and pervert human evolution. Gather a team of professionals, count your ammo, and keep track of your equipment to be prepared for any perversions of this space slaughter.

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    • OS *: Windows 7, 8, 10
    • Prosessor: Intel Core i3 3.0 GHz
    • Minne: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 / AMD Radeon R9 280X
    • Lagring: 300 MB tilgjengelig plass
* Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

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