LONESTAR is a strategic Roguelike spaceship deckbuilder. As a bounty hunter, you will capture criminals scattered across the universe. Win the shockwave battle to gain rewards and vacations. Find treasures, customize spaceships, unlock talents, defeat the felons and be a legend!
Nylige anmeldelser:
Veldig positive (57) - 91 % av de 57 brukeranmeldelsene fra de siste 30 dagene er positive.
Alle anmeldelser:
Veldig positive (1,258) - 91 % av 1,258 brukeranmeldelser for dette spillet er positive.
18. jan. 2024

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Hva utviklerne har å si:

Hvorfor tidlig tilgang?

«Early Access enables us to incorporate player ideas and suggestions into the development process, which holds great significance for refining and balancing the game. Moreover, it serves as a wellspring of inspiration for our team. Any feedback provided by players is invaluable as we work towards the official release of "LONESTAR".»

Hvor lenge antas det at dette spillet vil være i tidlig tilgang?

«About 3 quarters.»

Hvordan er det planlagt at fullversjonen skal være forskjellig fra versjonen i tidlig tilgang?

«Throughout the development journey, spanning from early access to the full release, our plans include expanding the game content with the introduction of a new spaceship at your disposal, along with new pilots, wanted criminals, vacation events, treasures, and more.»

Hva er nåværende tilstand for versjonen i tidlig tilgang?

«The current early access version features two distinct spaceships, each equipped with their own unique abilities and a plethora of 85 exclusive parts for customization. Furthermore, the game boasts a diverse roster of over 30 pilots, each possessing unique abilities, and offers more than 40 randomly generated pilot talents, over 150 treasures to discover, around 70 distinctive wanted criminals (including 15 boss-level adversaries), over 120 vacation events, and 20 combat events. The game offers a total of 8 difficulty levels to cater to different preferences and enhance the challenge.»

Vil spillet være priset annerledes under og etter tidlig tilgang?

«We may slightly increase the price once the early access version ends.»

Hvordan planlegger dere å involvere samfunnet i utviklingsprosessen?

«We eagerly anticipate hearing your feedback and suggestions. If you have any feedback for us or want to engage with other players, please leave a comment in the Steam community or join our Discord: . We're excited to hear your thoughts about our game!»
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Se hele Thermite Games-samlingen på Steam


Kjøp LONESTAR + Backpack Battles PAKKE (?)

Inkluderer 2 produkt: Backpack Battles, LONESTAR

HK$ 149.40

Kjøp Rogue Voltage + LONESTAR PAKKE (?)

Inkluderer 2 produkt: Rogue Voltage, LONESTAR

HK$ 166.50

Kjøp Strategic Spaceships PAKKE (?)

Inkluderer 2 produkt: Cobalt Core, LONESTAR

HK$ 187.20
HK$ 153.45
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“LONESTAR's spin on deck-building helps it stand out from the pack”
PC Gamer

“Starfield and Slay the Spire meet for a new roguelike deck builder that also feels like a spiritual sequel to PC classic Faster Than Light.”

“This is an Early Candidate for Tactical Roguelike of the Year”

Om spillet

Attention! My fellow Bounty Hunters,

The Bounty Hunter Association is recruiting now! Abundant rewards await you! Join us now!

The Association provides the following benefits:

Both sides accumulate Power for their own spaceship and compete in a fair shockwave battle to determine who the winner is! This is the recognized way of battle in the LONESTAR Universe, without any surprise attacks!

All hunters who join the Association will receive a free spaceship!

Currently, the Association has two different spaceships to choose from, and the third spaceship is under urgent development and will be deployed soon!

Each spaceship has its own expertise and possesses nearly a hundred exclusive units! (Note: The Association only provides initial units; other units need to be obtained by hunters during their journey.)

As the largest Bounty Hunter organization in the LONESTAR Universe, the Association has dozens of spaceship pilots!

The Association guarantees that each pilot has undergone repeated tests, with unique exclusive skills and a vast array of random talents, ensuring that each hunting experience is unique.

Furthermore, the Association's recruitment work is ongoing, and there will be a continuous influx of new pilots in the future.

The Association strictly adheres to the LONESTAR Universe Labor Protection Act and provides generous vacations for all Bounty Hunters.

Every time you complete a Bounty Mission, the Association will offer a period of paid leave.

During your vacation, you will encounter various unique events, make choices, and obtain resources. So, please enjoy your vacation time!

In the LONESTAR Universe, there are hundreds of different treasures, each with a unique function. Coupled with various exclusive units and different spaceships, such a wide variety of combinations may have left you overwhelmed.

No worries! The Association's Information Center has collected data on most of the units and Treasures in the universe and compiled them into an encyclopedia for your reference! It will undoubtedly assist you in creating a unique build!

The Association's Intelligence Center has gathered information on nearly a hundred wanted criminals in the LONESTAR Universe, including 15 extremely dangerous boss-level felons! You can access the criminal information before each mission and adjust your combat strategies accordingly. The Association's Intelligence Center will help you secure victory!

For any newly wanted criminals that may appear in the future, we will announce their profiles in Notices. Please check regularly.


    • OS: Windows 10
    • Prosessor: Intel Core2 Duo E6400 @ 2.13GHz
    • Minne: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: GeForce GT 730 OR Radeon HD 4830
    • DirectX: Versjon 11
    • Lagring: 2 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Prosessor: Intel Core i5-2300
    • Minne: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: GeForce GTX 650 OR Radeon HD 7750
    • DirectX: Versjon 11
    • Lagring: 2 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • OS: MacOS 13.4.1
    • Prosessor: Apple M1
    • Minne: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: Apple M1 or Intel HD Graphics
    • Lagring: 800 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • OS: MacOS 14.1.1
    • Prosessor: Apple M1
    • Minne: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: Apple M1 or Intel HD Graphics
    • Lagring: 1 GB tilgjengelig plass

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