Battle the corrupt animals of the forest, collect valuable items and abilities, and save the world, TWICE, in this retro-styled RPG adventure! As an official spinoff of the Five Nights at Freddy's horror game series, you can expect familiar characters, loads of secrets, and maybe some scares...
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Overveldende positive (1,359) - 96 % av 1,359 brukeranmeldelser for dette spillet er positive.
1. juli 2022

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“A loveable, charming RPG where you can visibly see the passion beaming out of the arcade screen.”

“It completely subverted my expectations in all the best ways possible. - What seems like a very simple retro RPG on the surface quickly turned into one of my favourites.”

“An interesting and charming retro RPG surrounded by some hectic world building.”
PC Gamer

Om spillet

POPGOES is an official Five Nights at Freddy's spinoff series, produced by Scott Cawthon and developed by fans as part of the "Fazbear Fanverse Initiative".

In POPGOES Arcade you'll play through two RPG campaigns: "POPGOES: The Dead Forest" (originally released for free in 2020) and "POPGOES and The Machinist" (a built-in sequel for the paid release!). These fun, colourful, and mysterious adventures will introduce you to new characters like Popgoes the Weasel and Manora the Mouse, but with no attention taken from classic FNAF characters like Chica the Chicken and Foxy the Pirate.


  • A large, expanding map to unlock, explore, and fight bad guys in!
  • Tons of interesting characters, easter eggs, secrets and lore!
  • A retro art style, inspired by the minigames in the FNAF series!

What's in POPGOES and The Machinist?

  • An entire sequel campaign available after fully completing The Dead Forest!
  • Completely new areas, enemies and abilities like Overkill and Scrap Coins!
  • Deep, dark secrets connected to the wider POPGOES universe...

And on top of POPGOES and The Machinist, the Steam version also has...

  • A customisable room that displays your progress with weapons and trophies!
  • The Bestiary and The Index, encyclopedias of encountered enemies with tips!
  • 40 Steam achievements, 20 for each chapter!

#MadeWithFusion #fnaf #popgoes #fazbearfanverse

Beskrivelse av voksent innhold

Utviklerne beskriver innholdet slik:

Disturbing themes
Rare graphic visuals


    • OS *: Windows Vista or later
    • Prosessor: Dual Core 2.0 GHz
    • Minne: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: Minimum 512 MB card
    • DirectX: Versjon 9.0
    • Lagring: 200 MB tilgjengelig plass
* Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

Kundeanmeldelser for POPGOES Arcade




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