Apply programming concepts and develop applications and 2D games. PWCT2 is a visual programming language designed for enjoying visual programming and interactive visualization. It is written in the Ring programming language and supports importing and exporting Ring code.
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Positive (31) - 90 % av 31 brukeranmeldelser for dette programmet er positive.
1. mars 2023

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Bruk Programming Without Coding Technology 2.0

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Om denne programvaren

Welcome to the second generation of the Programming Without Coding Technology (PWCT) software. A novice programmer can use PWCT as a tool to apply programming concepts and develop applications and 2D games.

This generation is powered by the new Ring programming language and provide professional Ring developers with a powerful and productive visual programming environment.


  • Visual Programming using Goal Designer (Steps Editor) instead of Code Editor

  • Form Designer to design the application user interface (WYSIWYG)

  • Rich comments (Add images, tables, etc.) to the application design

  • The Time Machine to play programs as movie and run programs in the past

  • Autocomplete

  • Interactive Visualization from textual source code

  • Customization (Colors & Environment Options)

  • Different styles and themes

  • Develop Apps for Drawing & Simulation

  • Develop Card Games

  • Develop desktop applications for Windows, Linux and macOS

  • Develop 2D Games

  • Create classic/retro games with tile maps (Support Tilengine)

  • Develop Web applications

  • Comes with many samples and applications

  • Open many visual source files at the same time
  • Open many interaction pages at the same time
  • Support generating and importing the textual source code
  • Connect to any database using ODBC
  • Native support for SQLite, MySQL & PostgreSQL
  • Support many game programming libraries
  • Support 3D graphics programming


    • OS: Windows® 10 (64bit)
    • Prosessor: 1.4GHz
    • Minne: 4 GB RAM
    • Lagring: 2 GB tilgjengelig plass

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