Higurashi When They Cry is a sound novel. The music, backgrounds and characters work together to create a world that is the stage of a novel for the user to read. They laugh and cry and get angry. The user takes the point of view of the protagonist to experience the story.
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Дата выхода:
2 июн. 2022 г.

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Купить Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Rei

СПЕЦИАЛЬНОЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ! Заканчивается 10 марта

HK$ 35.00
HK$ 31.50

Об этой игре


The tragedy of Hinamizawa is over.
Those held captive within its grip are free from the fate that bound them to June 1983.
Yet the tale of Hinamizawa is not truly complete.
There are many worlds not yet explored.
Three such worlds await in here, but are you prepared to reveal what was left in obscurity?

This is a tale of Furude Rika reaching the summer of 1983. Her power allows her to choose one of many worlds, but is this world truly the best for her?
The difficulty here is malicious, for all you dear connoisseurs who prefer it that way.

This is a tale involving a peculiar dispute over the most precious jewels - the Magatama of Fuwarazu, capable of granting mutual love - which befalls the club members.

Within these pages is a bible of blazing passion for today's modern, apathetic youths! Even though it was meant as an after-party for Meakashi-hen, it completely ruins the impact of that chapter! Deemed too dangerous for consumption, this legendary scenario was sealed away!
Continue only if you can vow that you are truly degenerate.


Higurashi When They Cry is a sound novel. The music, backgrounds and characters work together to create a world that is the stage of a novel for the user to read. They laugh and cry and get angry. The user takes the point of view of the protagonist to experience the story.

Описание контента для взрослых

Разработчики описывают контент так:

This work features alcohol consumption, blood, violence, and crude humor sexual jokes expressed in text.

Системные требования

SteamOS + Linux
    • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
    • ОС *: Windows 7 and up
    • Процессор: Pentium III 800 MHz
    • Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: 128MB DirectX 9c Compatible (Pixel Shader 2.0+)
    • DirectX: версии 9.0
    • Место на диске: 850 MB
    • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
    • Процессор: Pentium 4 1.4GHz
    • Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: 256MB DirectX 9c Compatible (Pixel Shader 2.0+)
    • DirectX: версии 11
* С 1 января 2024 года клиент Steam будет поддерживать только Windows 10 и более поздние версии.
    • ОС: Mac OS X 10.8+ Mountain Lion
    • Процессор: 1 GHz+
    • Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: 128MB Video Memory
    • Место на диске: 850 MB
    • ОС: Mac OS X 10.11+
    • Процессор: 1.5 GHz+
    • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
    • ОС: Ubuntu 12.04+
    • Процессор: 1 GHz+
    • Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: 128MB Video Memory
    • Место на диске: 850 MB

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