Ce contenu nécessite l'application de base RPG Maker MZ sur Steam pour fonctionner.

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Ce contenu nécessite l'application de base RPG Maker MZ sur Steam pour fonctionner.

Acheter RPG Maker MZ - Sprite Height Modifier


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HK$ 3,053.05

À propos de ce contenu

■Function Overview
This plugin stretches character sprite’s height around the torso to make taller characters!. With this, you can change your characters to other body proportions without doing extra modification to the game assets.

*Note that as a possible side effect, when the character steps into a bush tile, the character may end up having more than half of its body becoming hidden, whereas default proportions only the feet get hidden.

・This pack is for use in RPG Maker Series ONLY
・OK to be used in Commercial projects made in RPG Maker
・You may modify some of the assets (but not redistribute them) for your own game use only.
・All copyrights, neighboring rights, and all other rights to this material belong to the creator or a third party authorized by the creator.

・When using a walking graphic that contains translucent areas, the translucent areas could become darker or Fixed a case in which a single dot was missing.
・Fixed a problem in which the flash of a walking graphic target would not be reflected when an animation was displayed for a character with a modified head height in RPG Maker MV.
・Fixed a bug where one plugin parameter was not working.

(TN_SpriteExtenderEx.js v1.01)
・Improved to exclude unrelated files in the character folder and continue processing even if the files are not related to the character folder.
・Fixed a problem in which plugin parameters were not displayed in non-Japanese-speaking countries.

[2023 10.23 Update: ]
Sprite Height Modifier EX" (SpriteExtenderEX.js), which provides a batch image output function for gait graphics, has been added to the package in response to many requests.
It can be obtained by updating and re-downloading.
Please refer to the plug-in help for detailed usage.

■Conflict Reports
Due to the plugin redefining how the software processes things, it is recommended that the plugin gets put into the upper portion of the plugin list.
Also, please note that since this plugin alters walking graphics, it naturally may conflict with other plug-ins that also alters walking graphics.

The following is a list of known plug-in conflicts. If you wish to modify a plug-in, please follow the terms and conditions regulated by the distributor.

・Keke_KageMaster.js Kage Master (by Keke) v3.1
[MV/Conflict Avoidable] Place this plugin (TN_SpriteExtender.js) onto the upper side of the plugin list, and modify the 1081st line code of plugin Keke_KageMaster.js to the following:
Original: var frameWidth = ori._frame.width;
Revision: var frameWidth = ori.patternWidth ? ori.patternWidth() : ori._frame.width;

・SAN_ResidualSprites.js Afterimage sprites (by Sanshiro) v1.02
[MV/Conflict Avoidance Difficult] Plugin SAN_ResidualSprites.js itself does not have the function to generate afterimages of characters as they enter bush tiles, so as a result after images will not be generated when used with this plug-in. This is due to this plugin works by extending the bush graphics to support taller proportions.

・MV3D.js / MZ3D.js (by Cutievirus)
[MV and MZ: Conflict Avoidance Difficult] It is difficult to co-exist with this plugin due to its massive modifications to the base functions of RPG Maker. The processing methods are written in a way that is difficult to comprehend by other developers and thus making finding workarounds very difficult..

Configuration requise

    Minimale :
    • Notes supplémentaires : System supporting RPG Maker MZ
    Recommandée :
    • Notes supplémentaires : System supporting RPG Maker MZ
    Minimale :
    • Notes supplémentaires : System supporting RPG Maker MZ
    Recommandée :
    • Notes supplémentaires : System supporting RPG Maker MZ
* À compter du 15 février 2024, le client Steam ne sera plus compatible avec les jeux 32 bits, ni avec macOS 10.14 et ses versions plus anciennes.

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