A refugee capsule lands on an uninhabited planet. You have to survive, rebuild civilization and, if possible, regain control over the Earth. One big universe, one endless pvp session for all players.
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19. aug. 2022

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Hvad udviklerne har at sige:

Hvorfor tidlig adgang?

“Despite the fact that the game already has most of the content and game mechanics, I want to implement all my concepts and ideas. For an independent indie developer, the support of the players is very necessary. This is especially important at the stage when a significant part of the game has already been implemented and it just needs to be polished, tuned and supplemented with content.”

Hvor lang tid vil dette spil være i tidlig adgang?

“The game will immediately be released as soon as there is confidence that the game meets the intended goals, the players are satisfied and support the chosen direction of development. Estimated date is June 2024.”

Hvorledes kommer den fulde version til at være anderledes end produktet i tidlig adgang?

“There are plans to make a leaderboard, extended chat functions, finalize the interface and functions of the galaxy map. It is possible that new units and buildings will be added, combat and civilian fleets will be improved. Penalties and bonuses for political status, the distribution of planets in the galaxy, the distribution and speed of resource extraction on planets are likely to change.”

Hvad er den nuværende tilstand for versionen med tidlig adgang?

“All key elements of the game are ready, but they may change in the future. Now for some objects, simplified 3D models and animations are still used, for example, for ships and resource deposits, but this does not affect the gameplay itself.”

Ændrer spillets pris sig under og efter tidlig adgang?

“Yes, the price is likely to change. In addition, since this is an MMO and the gameplay is designed for several months, there is a possibility that monthly payment will be introduced.”

Hvordan har I tænkt jer at involvere fællesskabet i jeres udviklingsproces?

“The opinion of the community is very important, and I carefully and thoughtfully study everything that the players report. It is for them that the game is developed. I am actively involved in the discussion of the game on specialized gamedev forums, and I want the Steam community to join the active discussion.”
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Om dette spil

The refugee capsule lands on a uninhabited planet. You have to survive, rebuild civilization and, if possible, regain control over the Earth.

Classic RTS in sci-fi setting:
- manage your units
- build bases
- explore the planet, look for and mine various resources, hunt wild animals
- fight and interact with other players
- develop economy and diplomacy

At the beginning of the game, you, along with other beginners, will be thrown onto one of the uninhabited planets. After reaching a certain economic development and surviving in competition with other players, you will have the opportunity to build your own space fleet and start exploring space and colonizing other planets. The goal of the game is to regain and maintain control over the Earth. The one who owns the Earth is considered the leader of the rating. If the Earth has no owner, the leader is the one whose planet is closest to the Earth.

Unlike just RTS, in which the PvP session is designed for a small and finite number of players and the map is available only to the participants of the session, and the session itself lasts only an hour or two. Periphery Online is MMORTS, it is one huge and open universe for all players, one endless PvP session. Wars here can last several months of real time. When you exit the game, the gameplay does not stop, your colonies continue to live and evolve in real time on the server. For example, you can log into the game in the morning, give orders, then log in in the evening, by which time everything will have been built, resources have been collected, the fence has been repaired, etc.

The closer a planet is to Earth, the higher the competition. In addition, some of the resources are not renewable. Therefore, in order to supply the central regions and, as a result, for a successful game, it is also recommended to colonize planets and build colonies somewhere on the periphery. In case you don't really like the constant PvP battles or you like exploration, the universe is quite large and there are places to hide and develop quietly. You can fly away from the center and explore space and quietly build your galactic empire there.

If at first minutes it seems too hardcore, don't be alarmed, the maps in the game are quite large, and there is a built-in wiki. As you progress, you will have enough time before encountering other players to get comfortable with the controls, learn the rules, and build your starting base and defenses.


    • Styresystem *: Windows 7,8,10,11
    • Processor: 1 core, 1.4 GHz
    • Hukommelse: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafik: Intel HD Graphics 3000 or AMD equivalent
    • Netværk: Bredbåndsinternetforbindelse
    • Diskplads: 50 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Processor: 2 core, 3.0 GHz
    • Hukommelse: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafik: GTX 960 or AMD equivalent
    • Netværk: Bredbåndsinternetforbindelse
    • Diskplads: 100 MB tilgængelig plads
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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