Laugh in the face of death in this hauntingly humorous comedy adventure about a wayward soul trying to make it back to the land of the living. Engage in bullet-hell lite battles, solve puzzles, and communicate with the dead as you navigate this “colorful” world. Death is just the beginning.
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1. sep. 2022

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Se hele Graffiti_Games-samlingen på Steam


SÆRTILBUD! Tilbuddet slutter d. 12. marts

HK$ 76.00
HK$ 15.20

Køb Graffiti Hidden Gems Bundle BUNDT (?)

Indeholder 8 emner: Adventures of Chris, REZPLZ, Bite the Bullet, Nira, Lila’s Sky Ark, RESTLESS SOUL, Camp Canyonwood, Ugly

HK$ 323.00
HK$ 70.03


“A simplistic yet well-arranged RPG-lite with an interesting bullet hell flex”
Nintendo Life

“A fun game, with great characters and a silly story that is sure to make you laugh”

“A Meta action RPG for the ages”
Nintendo Link

Om dette spil

The adventure of a lifeti—er, afterlifetime—awaits! Help a wayward soul return to the land of the living in this hauntingly humorous comedy adventure that pokes fun at life, death, video games, pop culture, and everything in between.

Prevail in bullet-hell lite battles as you traverse through a greyscale world in search of the eight keys that open the Portal back to Life. But you’re not the only one who wants those keys…the evil Dr. Krull and his army will do whatever it takes to get them first, and it’s the Grim Reaper’s job to stop you from leaving.

Battle enemies, solve puzzles, and laugh until you die (again?), all while taking on side challenges and arcade-style minigames. Enlist the “help” of an apathetic ghost dog named Woof (yes, you can pet him).

Do your best, because after all, it’s a matter of life and death!


  • Laugh in the face of death at humorous dialogue that breaks the 4th wall to pieces.
  • Engage in bullet-hell lite battles in spoopy towers full of puzzles, moving platforms, enemies with different bullet types and attack patterns, and more.
  • Dodge an onslaught of bullets during trap sequences where you can’t shoot or dash.
  • Complete side challenges like finding all of the Mysterious Buildings and rescuing all of the captured Little Bros.
  • Enjoy arcade-style minigames, such as a Tapper-inspired game and a shooting gallery.
  • Try to unlock all of the in-game achievements, including collecting all 9 letters of AFTERLIFE in each town.
  • Explore 8 towns and meet over 100 “colorful” characters in this pixelated monochromatic world.
  • Commemorate your time in the Afterlife by using your After-Phone to take selfies with your favorite characters.
  • Enable God Mode or the Player-Strength Multiplier to adjust the game’s difficulty to your liking.


SteamOS + Linux
    • Styresystem: Microsoft® Windows® 10
    • Processor: 1.2GHz processor (Intel Core i5 and up)
    • Hukommelse: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafik: DirectX 10, 11, or 12 compatible card
    • DirectX: Version 10
    • Diskplads: 300 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Styresystem: Microsoft® Windows® 10
    • Processor: Dual Core Intel i5 and above
    • Hukommelse: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafik: Nvidia GeForce 700 series or greater
    • Diskplads: 300 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Styresystem: Mac OS 64 bit
    • Processor: Dual Core 2 Ghz CPU
    • Hukommelse: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafik: 1 GB Video Memory
    • Diskplads: 600 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Styresystem: Mac OS 64 bit (High Sierra 10.13+)
    • Processor: Dual Core Intel i5 and above
    • Hukommelse: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafik: 2 GB Video Memory
    • Diskplads: 600 MB tilgængelig plads
* Fra den 15. februar 2024 ophører understøttelsen af 32-bit spil og macOS 10.14 og tidligere i Steam-klienten.
    • Styresystem: Ubuntu 20.4, Ubuntu 18.04, and CentOS 7
    • Processor: x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support.
    • Hukommelse: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafik: OpenGL 3.2+, Vulkan capable.
    • Diskplads: 600 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Styresystem: Ubuntu 20.4, Ubuntu 18.04, and CentOS 7
    • Processor: x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support.
    • Hukommelse: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafik: OpenGL 3.2+, Vulkan capable.
    • Diskplads: 600 MB tilgængelig plads

Kundeanmeldelser for RESTLESS SOUL




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