You will play as a mechanical creature powered by the energy of millions of souls. Under the extreme violence, blood, and thrill of fight, tell you a story of non-individual heroism.
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“Woof! Woof! Woof! (60x3) (She is my - Game Director.)”
180 – My puppy (Little Bean)

“Meow! (200x1) (She is my - Receptionist.)”
200 – Friend's kitten (Rong Rong)

게임 정보

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You Are a Killing Machine

No need sneak attacks. You are a terrifying killing machine.
Combine your advanced firearms, diversity skills, and powerful melee system
to knock-down, slash, dismemberment, stomp, crush enemies in extreme
bloody and violent ways.

Combination of Strategy and Gore

Dismember your target and capture its weapons.
Use energy control skill and your creative
hit the enemy back tit for tat.

Art of Violence in the Third-Person View

Execute enemies in a variety of ways.
You will deeply feel the incredible power inside the mech.
Through third-person perspective.
Showing the violence art in the clearest way.

Turn Into a Demon

When you choose to face the enemy in melee stance.
It was only then that they realized that using guns was your greatest mercy.

Not a Simple Hack-and-Slash Game

The core of the game is balance supplies and maintenance battle rhythm.
Otherwise, you will be in a tough fight.

The Balance of Horror and Exhilaration

The openness of the outdoors and the narrowness of the interior form a strong visual contrast.
The game atmosphere will be customized and matched with the scene type.
You need to vent after enough suppressed fear.
It is also necessary to return to calm after the thrill of battle.

Below the surface

Blood, violence, horror, are just the shell of design.
Their existence guarantees the fun of the game.
And earned me the opportunity to tell a story.

성인 콘텐츠 설명

개발자의 콘텐츠 설명:

이 게임에는 모든 연령에 적합하지 않은 콘텐츠 또는 직장에서 이용하기에 부적절할 수 있는 콘텐츠가 포함되어 있습니다: 잦은 폭력 또는 유혈, 수위 높은 콘텐츠

시스템 요구 사항

    • 64비트 프로세서와 운영 체제가 필요합니다
    • 운영 체제: Windows 10
    • 프로세서: I5
    • 메모리: 8 GB RAM
    • 그래픽: NVIDIA GTX 760
    • DirectX: 버전 11
    • 저장공간: 15 GB 사용 가능 공간
    • 64비트 프로세서와 운영 체제가 필요합니다
    • 운영 체제: Windows 10
    • 프로세서: I7
    • 메모리: 16 GB RAM
    • 그래픽: NVIDIA GTX 1060
    • DirectX: 버전 11
    • 저장공간: 15 GB 사용 가능 공간
이 제품에는 아직 평가가 없습니다.

이 제품의 평가를 직접 써서 자신의 경험을 커뮤니티와 공유할 수 있습니다. 구매 버튼 위의 기입란을 이용하여 자신만의 평가를 써 보세요.