You've finally made it to the dead-end mining town of Scarlet Hollow, North Carolina, where your aunt is dead, your cousin hates you, and something otherworldly stalks you from the shadows. You won't be able to save everyone. You might not even be able to save yourself. Welcome home.
Legutóbbi értékelések:
Nagyon pozitív (88) - 88 felhasználói értékelésből 96% pozitív az utóbbi 30 napban.
Minden értékelés:
Rendkívül pozitív (2,379) - E játék 2,379 felhasználói értékeléséből 98% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2021. jún. 11.

Jelentkezz be, hogy ezt a tételt a kívánságlistádhoz adhasd, követhesd vagy mellőzöttnek jelölhesd.

Korai hozzáférésű játék

Szerezz azonnali hozzáférést és kezdj játszani; légy részese a játék fejlődésének.

Megjegyzés: A korai hozzáférésű játékok nincsenek készen, és vagy változnak a továbbiakban, vagy nem. Ha nem izgat az ezzel a játékkal való játék a jelenlegi állapotában, érdemes lehet várnod, míg a játék fejlesztése előrehaladottabbá válik. Tudj meg többet.

Mit mondanak a fejlesztők:

Miért a Korai Hozzáférés?

„Early access has been an extremely effective tool for releasing episodically and polishing the game as we go!”

Körülbelül mennyi ideig lesz ez a játék a Korai Hozzáférésben?

„We plan to be in Early Access until the release of the final Episode. There are seven planned in total, and it looks like development on the final two will be wrapped up around late 2026.”

A tervek szerint miben fog különbözni a teljes verzió a korai hozzáférésűtől?

„Scarlet Hollow is following an episodic release schedule. The Early Access version of the game will give our players access to new episodes as we finish them. Currently the first four are available, with a major update coming soon to expand the first two.”

Milyen állapotban van jelenleg a korai hozzáférésű verzió?

„Episodes 1 through 4 are all fully playable, and contain ~580,000 words of content.”

Eltérően lesz árazva a játék a korai hozzáférés alatt és azt követően?

„Depending on how the scope of the project continues to grow, we may raise the final price of the game before the full release. If we wind up doing so, we will give players at least one month's notice so that folks on the fence still have a chance to purchase Scarlet Hollow at its current Early Access price.”

Hogyan tervezitek bevonni a közösséget a fejlesztés folyamatába?

„We read our Steam forums, Subreddit, discord, and private messages sent by our players and frequently use their feedback to improve our game. We also regularly survey our players and use their feedback to influence the shape of future releases.”
Nézd meg a teljes Black Tabby Games gyűjteményt a Steamen.
A Magyar nyelv nem támogatott.

Ez a termék nem támogatja a nálad beállított nyelvet. Kérjük, vásárlás előtt tekintsd át a támogatott nyelvek listáját.

Scarlet Hollow Demo letöltése

Scarlet Hollow vásárlása

KÜLÖNLEGES AJÁNLAT! Az ajánlat vége: március 13.

HK$ 149.99
HK$ 112.49

The Black Tabby Games Collection vásárlása CSOMAG (?)

2 elemet tartalmaz: Scarlet Hollow, Slay the Princess

HK$ 223.54
HK$ 167.66

Cartoonists Turned Game Devs vásárlása CSOMAG (?)

2 elemet tartalmaz: Scarlet Hollow, Perfect Tides

HK$ 203.39
HK$ 152.54
Összes téma megnézése

Jelents hibákat és adj visszajelzést erről a játékról az üzenőfalon.


“I obviously had to check out if other options really were as divergent as they appeared, or were bluffs that would steer back to the same course. They weren’t bluffs.”
93 – Buried Treasure

“Scarlet Hollow managed to wow me not only with concise yet rich writing but also in the seamless incorporation of unorthodox gameplay mechanics.”
87/100 – RPGFan

“The very precise, sweet spot of horror and humor.”

A játékról

From the developers of Slay the Princess, Scarlet Hollow is an immersive horror-mystery with sharp writing, impactful choices, and meticulously hand-drawn art.

The demo contains the entire first Episode for free — and your saves will automatically transfer to the full game!

Coal mines sealed off after a deadly collapse. Strange creatures preying on livestock. Houses infested with vengeful spirits. The sleepy town of Scarlet Hollow has suddenly come alive with horrors, just in time for your arrival. 

This was supposed to be a quiet getaway in the rural mountains of North Carolina. All you had to do was finally meet your long-lost cousin and comfort her through her mother’s funeral. But now, each new day welcomes new nightmares. 

You only have to survive a week. But can you get to the bottom of the horrifying mysteries haunting Scarlet Hollow before they claim your life?

Scarlet Hollow is being released across 7 episodes. The first FOUR are available now for you to play, with the remaining episodes to follow as free updates as we finish them.


  • A heavily branching narrative where your decisions (actually) matter. The relationships you forge and the decisions you make will dramatically alter your journey.

  • A complex paranormal mystery. Investigate haunted houses, strange sightings in the woods, a deteriorating mine, and more as you try and piece together what happened in Scarlet Hollow.

  • Trait-based dialogue and role-playing. Scarlet Hollow's dialogue system is driven by role-playing elements that let you choose who you want to be. Are you quiet and observant? Hot and clueless? Can you talk to animals? 21 different character builds change how you interact with the world and how your story unfolds.

  • A dynamic relationship system that reacts to your every choice and changes how your story unfolds. People won't just like or dislike you. Become friendly rivals, bitter adversaries, best friends, or mild acquaintances with everyone in town based on how you approach the story.

  • Original monster designs inspired by Appalachian myths and cryptids.

  • No jumpscares. All of the horror in Scarlet Hollow comes from dread, tension, and a sprinkle of disturbing imagery.

  • A touch of romance. Whether you're into goths, dads, moms, paranormal investigators, mysterious recluses, or actual monsters, you'll find something waiting for you here. And if you'd rather avoid that entirely, your story won't be any less for it.

  • Hundreds of meticulously hand-drawn and traditionally inked backgrounds. Every background in the game is hand drawn and inked by Ignatz-winning graphic novelist Abby Howard.

  • Fully immersive art. Each major character has dozens—and often hundreds—of hand-drawn sprites that interact with backgrounds and capture a full range of lighting, emotion, environment, and outfit changes.

Felnőtt tartalom leírása

A fejlesztők így írják le a tartalmat:

Scarlet Hollow is a horror game, and it is not intended for all audiences. Please visit our website ( if you need a full list of content warnings.


SteamOS + Linux
    • Op. rendszer *: Windows 7
    • Processzor: 1.8 ghz dual core
    • Memória: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafika: Integrated Graphics
    • Tárhely: 2 GB szabad hely
* 2024. január 1-jétől a Steam kliens csak a Windows 10 és újabb verziókat fogja támogatni.
    • Op. rendszer: OX 10.9
    • Processzor: 1.8 ghz dual core
    • Memória: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafika: Integrated Graphics
    • Tárhely: 2 GB szabad hely
    • Processzor: 1.8 ghz dual core
    • Memória: 2 GB RAM
    • Tárhely: 2 GB szabad hely

A(z) Scarlet Hollow vásárlói értékelései




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