Explore the sci-fi world of Lost Sector and master the souls-like combat. Defy overwhelming odds to overcome evolving creatures and gradually changing environments in this unforgiving third-person action-roguelike.
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À propos de ce jeu

Equip gear and venture out into an unsettling, destroyed research facility in the far future. Fight your way through the ever-increasing difficulties of a changing environment, overrun by hostile creatures to clear the path through the sector.

Collect new modules and abilities, either by taking a risky route, advancing deeper into the facility, and gathering rare items, or by taking a much slower, less rewarding, but safer approach. Upgrade your gear in the saveroom before venturing back outside and become powerful enough to defeat the final boss before the sector becomes too overwhelming.

The Lost Sector is a dangerous place that will lead to various deaths. Master the combat and learn more about how to overcome the hostile environment and the weak points of its mutated dangers. Unlock new weapons and items each run and slowly discover what happened.

Configuration requise

    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • DirectX : Version 11
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