You are a guard whose job is to post bounties. Try your best to deal with various matters and make money to raise your family. But remember, when various factions come to you, you will have to make choices!
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Sangat Positif (375) - 85% positif dari 375 ulasan pengguna untuk game ini.
Tanggal Rilis:
30 Nov 2023

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Beli a guard walks into a tavern



This game is solo developed by myself. So if you encounter any issues, bugs or translation errors, please contact me via discussions or email (you can find my contact email in the Steam Support or setting page within the game). Thx~

Tentang Game Ini

You are a guard appointed by His Majesty, partnering with an imp to post bounties and send heroes to investigate strange occurrences and deal with monsters.

In addition to your hard work and side jobs to make ends meet, you have to maintain the reputation of factions to ensure your survival without being fired or assassinated.


◆This is a narrative driven simulation game with management elements, where the storyline for each playthrough will be randomly generated from three main stories (each with 4 endings) and nearly a hundred sidestories.

◆Guard simulation:
Deal with bounties; Make choices when poeple come to you.

◆Enter the tavern:
Hire heroes; Manipulate the equipment market; Maintain relationships with factions...

◆Fishing during work

◆Raise your family and deal with family affairs

◆Explore the city:
The black market; Arena; Casino; Mystery locations in the sewers...

◆Get endings; Collect butterflies; Unlock decorations, special branches, and additional benefits for the next playthrough.

Persyaratan Sistem

    • Prosesor 64-bit dan OS diperlukan
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Memori: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafis: gtx960
    • DirectX: Versi 11
    • Penyimpanan: 1 GB ruang tersedia
    • Prosesor 64-bit dan OS diperlukan

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