進入繁茂之地,這是《Hyper Light》世界中的全新國度。獨自出發或與朋友一起遊玩,探索各個開放世界、打造新的配置、擊殺敵群,並打倒加冕者和深淵之王。
2025 年 1 月 14 日




備註:處於搶先體驗狀態的遊戲尚未開發完成,且內容可能會有所變動。如果目前的開發進度未使您產生興趣, 建議您等待本遊戲開發至下一階段時再決定是否購買。了解更多



「Our game is an open world, online, rogue-lite with procedurally generated worlds - it has limitless re-playability with a wild number of combinations. We are essentially inventing and defining this subgenre of “open world rogue-lite,” and feel strongly that openness and responsiveness to player feedback will be critical to this ambitious process. The community will be instrumental in helping us to balance the experience, evolve the designs and make a better, more performant, versatile and complete game ultimately. By going into Early Access we can showcase and talk about our game openly, invite the audience in to see how it's made and participate in helping to make it better.

Additionally, it is important to us as developers that we find the healthiest ways to make games. It allows us the scheduling flexibility to avoid the sometimes harsh nature of game development, while granting us the time to polish the game experience and make it the very best version of itself.」


「We anticipate we’ll be in Early Access for about a year, but this can change depending on the community’s response and feedback.」


「In the final version of the game, we plan to have multiple player-character skins (we have a small number in a fair state for Early Access launch currently) with all of their loadouts and weapons complete and vetted, a full complement of upgrades and Mods for runs, NPCs with full breadth of animations, the OST completely fleshed out for all levels, performance passes done in order to meet better minimum requirements, and game balance across our systems addressed based on community feedback. Last but certainly not least: the full story and narrative will be available to discover.」


「Currently we have our core pillars/gameplay loops fully functional, extremely solid + fun combat and traversal (hoverboards, woo!) with several different player skins, functional online multiplayer with up to 3 players, a procedural world generated for each run, a clear story and a wide variety of weapons and character upgrades that drop on runs.

We are taking the remaining time heading into our Early Access release to further flesh out and polish an array of enemies, minibosses and bosses, refine our combat loops, and set up a clear start to the story for players.」


「We do plan to raise the price once Early Access ends, and while nothing is definitive, it’s possible that the price will go up at some point during Early Access.」


「We plan to post monthly devblog updates on our Steam page, be highly active in the forums and Discord, post regular content drops for gifs, videos, reveals of characters, behind the scenes developer content, livestreams and more.

It is VITAL that we communicate with our audience and build that trust in our process. Getting people directly involved, knowing that their feedback they submit in forums or otherwise has an impact on the shape the game takes as it progresses is incredibly valuable to us. The possibilities in this format are wild.

We successfully built an audience before our first game release (Hyper Light Drifter) by regularly engaging with the community on many of these same fronts, building out a connection to many people who loved the concept, and plan to do so again for this new title.」


此遊戲尚未在 Steam 上發售

預計發行日期: 2025 年 1 月 14 日

此遊戲預計大約於 8 天 後解鎖




進入繁茂之地 (The Overgrowth),這是《Hyper Light》世界中的全新國度。獨自出發或與朋友一起遊玩,探索各個開放世界、打造新的配置、擊殺敵群,並打倒加冕者 (Crowns) 和深淵之王 (Abyss King)。

《Breaker》是《Hyper Light》系列的全新作品,具有獨特的劇情故事,並首次完全以 3D 的形式呈現。


  • 這是一個混亂的世界,有等著您解開的謎團、必須對抗的凶惡敵人,還有可供探索的全 3D 環境
  • 廣闊且不斷變化的世界正等著您,裡面有大規模的開放生物群落與深邃的迷宮
  • 世界是透過程式生成的,擁有獨特的佈局、敵人、戰利品和獎勵,玩家可以多次體驗遊戲。
  • 您可以使用各種技能以驚人的自由度在地景中穿梭來去,包括蹬牆衝刺、懸浮滑板和滑翔機等

加入破壞者 (Breaker) 的行列

  • 獨自一人或在線上合作遊戲中組隊,一路奮戰穿越繁茂之地
  • 在激烈的第三人稱戰鬥中面對成群的敵人和殘暴的頭目
  • 應對難度會隨每一輪不斷提升的挑戰


  • 探索並解鎖大量的武器、物品和升級,藉此為新一輪打造最理想的配置
  • 透過繁茂之地神秘守護者「加冕者」的片段記憶,更加認識這片大地
  • 在旅程途中帶回各種資源,幫助聚落成長茁壯


    • 需要 64 位元的處理器及作業系統
    • 處理器: 2+ cores, 2.4Ghz+
    • 記憶體: 16 GB 記憶體
    • 顯示卡: Nvidia GTX 1050/1650 or AMD RX 560
    • 備註: Specs are for 30 FPS
    • 需要 64 位元的處理器及作業系統
    • 處理器: 4+ cores, 3.6Ghz+
    • 記憶體: 16 GB 記憶體
    • 顯示卡: Nvidia GTX 2080ti, GTX 3060ti, AMD RX 6700 XT
    • 備註: Specs are for 60 FPS
