A Space Nations Battlearena is a video-game that blends the survival, space simulator, and scavenging elements with last-man-standing gameplay.
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22 jan 2021

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Vroegtijdige toegang

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Opmerking: Spellen in vroegtijdige toegang zijn nog niet voltooid en kunnen nog veranderen. Als je niet staat te springen om dit spel in de huidige staat te spelen, kun je beter afwachten hoe het spel zich verder ontwikkelt. Meer informatie

Wat de ontwikkelaars zeggen:

Waarom vroegtijdige toegang?

'Early access to the game Space Nations Battlearena is due to the fact that we want to get the maximum possible feedback from the audience, to know their opinion, so that, based on the formed base of wishes and ideas for improving the game, we really want to create the product that players will see it. Our project is distinguished by the fact that its concept is created at the intersection of the genres of space simulator and battle royal. And the effect of such a combination of the two layers of the gaming audience can be unpredictable. Only thanks to the feedback and wishes of people, this game will win the hearts of such a huge number of fans of two significant genres in the gaming industry.'

Hoelang blijft dit spel ongeveer in vroegtijdige toegang?

'The game will be in early access until all the main ideas are implemented as part of the initial release. We expect, that game will be released in six month'

Hoe gaat de volledige versie verschillen van de versie met vroegtijdige toegang?

'The main differences between the game in early access and the full version at the moment will be listed below.
In developing:
• Adding PvE mode against AI in the face of alien invaders.
Playing in this mode will allow players to collect important resources to improve the characteristics of their ship and their equipment.
• Adding additional location within the boundaries of the solar system.
This location will be an accumulation of gases, dust and spilled fuel - all that remains of the old battlefield.
• Implementation of a full-fledged simulation of all ship systems.
This means that the pilot will have to monitor and control all combat, defensive and movement systems - independently: direct the ship's shields to the desired part of the hull, regulate the energy consumption of the gun and propulsion modules, etc.
• Added mechanics with the "Stealth" mode.
This game feature will allow pilots to land by docking on such surfaces as asteroids or debris, turn off all ship systems, thereby remaining invisible to enemy radars. It is important to note that the player in this case also will not be able to observe the enemy on the radar. All that will be possible is to visually observe the space in the field of view of the ship's cockpit.
• Adding the ability to change the appearance of the hangar.
Surely many players are tired of the fact that in most games they are forced to always observe the same background before diving into the game, while having unique external images of their characters or units of military equipment. And often a change of plan can only be expected from developers.
• Adding a combat unit on the battlefield, which will be possible to control several players.
During the battle, a huge ship will appear on the battlefield, docking to the docks of which will allow, for example, a flight team of several pilots to take an advantage over the enemy for a while, thereby strengthening their chances of victory.'

Wat is de huidige staat van de versie met vroegtijdige toegang?

'At the moment, players are given the opportunity to fight in the vastness of our solar system: the orbits of planets such as Mars, Saturn, Mercury, etc., the asteroid belt, the wreckage of destroyed ships in the vicinity of interplanetary stations. You can visit all these locations by choosing one of the two available modes for battle: normal and rating.
• Public
Players in this mode will face each other on ships of any type, with any weapons and equipment, regardless of their personal combat rating.
• Rating
The selection of players in this mode will already be carried out exclusively according to their personal battle rating, which will increase or decrease depending on the effectiveness shown on the battlefield.

Currently available:

1. Ships:
1.1 Possibility to purchase one of four ships: Assassin, Blade, Eagle and Hawk.
1.2. Possibility to modify your own ship:
1.2.1. Change/installation of internal modules: engines, power generators, sensor and radar systems;
1.2.2. Change/installation of external modules: thrusters, armor, utility slots systems (ASO and LAMS);
1.2.3. Change/installation of weapons: machine guns, doubled-machine guns, railguns, shotguns, laser launchers, target lock missiles and multiple launch rocket systems;
1.2.4. Repainting the ship in a single color or in a pre-prepared camouflage.
1.3. Possibility of free view of the ship in the hangar.
1.4. Ability to switch the view from the cockpit and from the third person (in the game).
1.5. Unique special skills on some ships.
2. Gameplay:
2.1. Huge theater of action – about 200 km sphere in diameter.
2.2. A lot of location points with loot.
2.3. Ability to loot boxes in open space using a drone.
2.4. The presence of a special unit on the map – a tanker, which carries special loot containers.
2.5. The presence of a particularly dangerous blue zone, which covers the entire theater of action from the start of the game, and gradually shrinks to a randomly selected point.
2.6. The presence of AI.
2.7. Different types of weapon damage, which affect the damage inflicted.
2.8. Various types of weapon mounts: turret platform and fixed suspension.
2.9. Three game modes: rating, common and training.
2.10. Fine tuning of ship controlling.
2.11. The ability to capture the enemy at the target so that the on-board computer automatically guided the turret weaponry.
2.12. Zoom while aiming.'

Zal het spel anders geprijsd worden tijdens en na vroegtijdige toegang?

'We are going to gradually increase the price by adding new content and features'

Hoe zijn jullie van plan de community te betrekken bij het ontwikkelproces?

'Involvement in beta testing, feedback at Steam discussions, and later feedback at forum on our site'
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Over dit spel

A Space Nations Battlearena is a video-game that blends the survival, space simulator, and scavenging elements with last-man-standing gameplay, which challenges large number of players. Starting with minimal equipment eliminate your opponents, while avoiding being trapped outside of a shrinking "safe area", and bear away.


    • Vereist een 64-bitsprocessor en -besturingssysteem
    • Besturingssysteem: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Core I3
    • Geheugen: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: Nvidia GeForce 1050 TI
    • DirectX: Versie 11
    • Netwerk: Breedband-internetverbinding
    • Opslagruimte: 3 GB beschikbare ruimte
    • Vereist een 64-bitsprocessor en -besturingssysteem
    • Besturingssysteem: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Core I5
    • Geheugen: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: RTX Series
    • DirectX: Versie 12
    • Netwerk: Breedband-internetverbinding
    • Opslagruimte: 3 GB beschikbare ruimte

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