If you ever dreamed of exploring space at a relaxed pace, here's a journey designed for you.
Toutes les éval. :
moyennes (525) - 63 % des 525 évaluations des utilisateurs et utilisatrices pour ce jeu sont positives.
Date de parution :
23 sept. 2020
Développement :
Édition :

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Jeu en accès anticipé

Commencez à jouer dès à présent et impliquez-vous pendant son développement.

Remarque : les jeux en accès anticipé ne sont pas terminés, ils peuvent changer de façon significative. Si ce jeu ne vous intéresse pas dans son état actuel, vous devriez attendre pour voir s'il se développe davantage. En savoir plus

Remarque : la dernière mise à jour a été publiée par l'équipe de développement il y a 3 ans. Les informations et le calendrier présentés ici peuvent être obsolètes.
Ce que l'équipe de développement a à dire :

Pourquoi choisir l'accès anticipé ?

« This game currently only has no more than 10% of the expected whole content (There's gonna be loads more!) Though these content will be enough for more than 100 hours of gameplay (Including offline hours. As an idle game, this is not much).
In Early Access, I want to receive your feedback, fix the existing problems, and seek a better balance for the upcoming content updates. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated :) »

Pendant combien de temps environ ce jeu sera-t-il en accès anticipé ?

« Until when it's ready »

En quoi la version finale sera-t-elle différente de la version en accès anticipé ?

« Full version will have well adjusted game balance, tons of more major content worth of 1000+ hours gameplay, twice the functionalities, In-App Purchases, Achievement System, sounds and probably music. (Achievement System will be up soon) »

Quel est l'état actuel de la version en accès anticipé ?

« The features listed in 'About This' section is all included, but the content is not even beyond the Solar System! Where is our destination? End of the Universe. »

Le prix du jeu sera-t-il différent pendant et après l'accès anticipé ?

« Nope. Enjoy 99% of the game without paying anything except time! »

Comment comptez-vous impliquer la communauté dans le processus de développement ?

« I'm planning to get feedback from the users, to correct the existing mistakes and make corresponding adjustments to the game, and get hints for more interesting future updates. »
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À propos de ce jeu

If you ever dreamed of exploring space at a relaxed pace, here's a journey designed for you.

Starting from Planet Earth, travel to all those moons, planets, and stars that you can think of. Come up with strategies to maximize your energy and resource gains, conduct research to enhance your improve your spaceship, and build infrastructures all over the Universe. You are also going to fight evil aliens from outer space in a relaxing card-battle.

While the above may sound complicated, in this game, they can all be achieved with a few clicks... It's an Idle Game!

Gaining Energy/Resources
  • Discover various ways of retrieving the energy or resources on every celestial body you visit.
  • Think of strategies to maximize efficiency in reaching your goals.
  • Improve your scientific prowess to avoid a loss in resource gain efficiency deterioration at some destinations.

Intergalactic travel
  • Power up your spaceship engine, and set off.
  • Bring necessary stuff with you in your spaceship to develop the new star, but don't bring too much. Remember that more weight will require more energy to fire up your engines.
  • Make use of all scientifically possible and impossible ways to reduce your travel time, including weight reduction, trajectory optimization and space folding.

  • Engage in research on your spaceship and various galactic laboratories to enhance your abilities and unlock more content
  • Build space stations on every place you visit! Expand and utilize your knowledge as you make space your own.

  • Face various alien enemies during your journey through space. Fight them in classic card battle fashion.
  • Enemy aliens act unpredictably. As you progress through the game, battles will become increasingly difficult and will require creative solutions. Instead of fighting manually, you can…
  • …Automate battle strategies and fighting behavior with your own battle AI. No worries, it will be super easy to set up.
  • Get drops from the defeated enemies to improve your battle abilities and improve all other aspects of the game as well.
  • Legendary Boss Fights. Unlock great drops whenever you beat them!

What else can you expect from the game?
  • Regular updates to ensure there's always new content!
  • You can enjoy nearly the entire game without needing to pay at all. Even the in-game premium currency can be obtained regularly without investing money.
  • We will carefully watch feedback on our various channels (steam, discord, etc.). We intend to listen to the community and keep making this game better for everyone.

Good Luck, and have a pleasant flight!

This game was initially developed by Ayatsuji_san alone as a passion project during the difficult Covid-19 year of 2020, including programming, design, and art.
His good friend Berk joined in later on to make faster game completion possible. Additionally, a number of other people have supported the game with artwork and other fixes.

We hope that you love the game as much as we loved making it.

Configuration requise

    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires
    • Système d'exploitation : Win 10
    • Mémoire vive : 2 GB de mémoire
    • DirectX : Version 9.0
    • Espace disque : 512 MB d'espace disque disponible
    Recommandée :
    • Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires
    Minimale :
      Recommandée :

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