The story centers around a frustrated middle-aged man named Yu Kaijie. Along with his friend Ma Zhigao, they participated in a class reunion and used the chance to rob the safe of their rich classmate. But against all expectations, the tranquil villa turned into a closed-off crime scene...
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Grotendeels positief (221) - 76% van de 221 gebruikersrecensies voor dit spel zijn positief.
14 sep 2020

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好久不见 - Long Time No See kopen


Over dit spel

You and your friend Ma Zhigao decided to participate in a class reunion and use it as a chance to rob the safe of your rich classmate. But against all expectations, the tranquil villa turned into a closed-off crime scene. You need to make a series of choices in order to survive in various situations as well as uncovering the truth.

With over 60 choices, it takes between 40 and 90 minutes to complete a single game. The entire duration of video is more than 180 minutes.

Various narrative experiences: 4 narrative paths and 8 endings. Each ending shows a different side of the truth. Each path is unique.

Comfortable play mode: You can manipulate the video progress bar, fast forward to the next chapter with ease and play with multiple speeds. All of these ensure a comfortable viewing experience.

Solid plot design: The story unravels bit by bit. All the answers will be revealed one by one, providing a satisfying experience.

Game / video balance: The game supports video play, giving you a new balance between gaming and viewing experience.

Beschrijving inhoud voor volwassenen

De ontwikkelaars omschrijven de inhoud als volgt:



    • Besturingssysteem *: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
    • Geheugen: 2 GB RAM
    • Opslagruimte: 9 GB beschikbare ruimte
    • Besturingssysteem *: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
    • Geheugen: 4 GB RAM
    • Opslagruimte: 15 GB beschikbare ruimte
* Vanaf 1 januari 2024 ondersteunt de Steam-client alleen Windows 10 en latere versies.

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