Delve into the world of the future, where everyone is out for himself in the humans vs robots stand-off. Pick a traceur, loot an awesome gun, and beat damn machines. Or choose a robot and use his unique skills to get back at those humans for your Boston brothers.
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W większości pozytywne (152) - 73% z 152 recenzji użytkowników dla tej gry jest pozytywnych.
Data wydania:
3 czerwca 2021

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Gra z wczesnym dostępem

Uzyskaj natychmiastowy dostęp i zacznij grać; zaangażuj się w powstawanie gry.

Uwaga: gry oferowane w formie wczesnego dostępu nie zostały jeszcze ukończone i do momentu pełnego wydania mogą ulec zmianom lub nie zmienić się w ogóle. Jeśli ta gra w jej obecnym stanie nie interesuje cię, sugerujemy poczekać, by zobaczyć, czy prace nad nią pójdą dalej. Dowiedz się więcej.

Uwaga: producenci nie wydali żadnej aktualizacji od ponad 3 lat. Informacje i terminarz opisane w tym miejscu przez producentów mogą nie być już aktualne.
Od twórców:

Dlaczego wczesny dostęp?

„TinShift is created by a small ukrainian independent team, and for futher immprovement and development, we need early access. The game has reached the point where main functionality has been implemented and now we want walk the path with community.
Early access will allow us to unite with people who love FPS games, and we will try to release patches and updates as often and efficiently as possible, based on people's feedback”

Mniej więcej jak długo gra będzie w fazie wczesnego dostępu?

„The game will be in early access for at least a year, our main goal is to implement a product of excellent quality and do everything that we planned at this stage.”

Czym różni się zaplanowana pełna wersja od tej z wczesnego dostępu?

„We dream about the game of cosmic proportions, with personal bases, a living open world, flights to other planets, character classes, transport, mining devices, researching and growing outlandish plants. But every long journey begins with the small steps.

- optimization
- leaderboard
- skins for weapons and characters
- teams
- bug fixes
- other small stuff to improve your life
- wishes of players

- customization/upgrade of weapons
- Elo/ranks
- upgrade of outdated weapons to AAA
- day trials
- championship
- updating and improving UI/UX
- bug fixes
- wishes of players

- new weapon
- remake the class of robots
- adding an alternative map (3x3, 5x5)
- map update to AAA
- random events during the match
- classic shooter modes (optional)

- mode outside the base (open)
- construction of buildings
- NPC-animals
- character classes”

Jaki jest obecny stan wersji z wczesnego dostępu?

„- Super dynamic King of Hill mode
- 10+ types of weapons
- Wall running and parkour
- Base (400 meters in diameter) with palm trees inside
- Dynamic daytime
- Powerful soundtrack
- Class of robots in emergency condition
- The game consistently produces 70 fps on the ultra settings at 1080. Optimization for weak PCs - task #1 in our plans.”

Czy cena gry ulegnie zmianie podczas i po wczesnym dostępie?

„To develop the dream game, we need your support. The price will not change, but it will be possible to make additional optional and cosmetic purchases in the game, as an additional thanks/support to us in development. Monetization will only apply to some goods, we do not want to cram a bunch of in-game purchases in an already paid game.
In the distant future, Leader mode should be free for everyone.”

Jak zamierzacie włączyć społeczność w wasz proces tworzenia?

„We have a , we play there regularly and communicate with the players. The most active ones receive an Advisor flyer, we especially listen to their opinions. We are grateful when players send the bug reports, so we fix them faster. Special thanks to all alpha testers!

Player' wish is a law for us.”
Polski język nie jest obsługiwany

Ten produkt nie obsługuje twojego lokalnego języka. Przed zakupem zapoznaj się z listą obsługiwanych języków, która znajduje się poniżej.

Graj w TinShift

Free to Play
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“The last minute you need to live, regularly pulling out the championship, gives a lot of fun, and the game turns into a perky carnage, where absolutely everyone is chasing you and trying to take over the baton.”

“Unlike the battle royale, the Tinshift player can always be reborn in case of death and again rush into the midst of the battle, as was the case in classic shooters. Such "hot potatoes" are constantly transferred from player to player in an enchanting meat grinder, which makes the last moments of the match a real epilepsy and dirt.”

O tej grze

TinShift is a dynamic first-person shooter arena. We inspired by Quake, UT and Titanfall. It's based on plausible shooting, wall running and sweaty armpits.

10 types of weapons are available. Some are classic, others will have to be used wisely and according to the situation.
1 map for 20 players with palm trees and vertical gameplay. You can climb anywhere.
The second class is robots. It's for those who are tired of running around and just want to blow everything around.

Return in time is a thing. Due to the excessive dynamics, it is often not possible to immediately respond to a surprise attack or a stray sniper bullet. We understand this and therefore everyone has a second chance - to change the course of events with a rollback 10 seconds back. Chance recharges when you successfully kill an enemy.

And for dessert: NOT BATTLE ROYAL. Unexpected, right? We ourselves are tired of crawling across the field for 40 minutes until a bush kills you.
We invite you to take part in the Leadership Race. Every man for himself from the start, but to win you become ALONE against EVERYBODY.

There is no need to wait for a new match. Dropping by into the server in the middle of the game, you are in the same conditions as the experienced players. After finish, the match will restart automatically. It's non-stop.

We play together with you! We are constantly in touch with the players on and make a dream game together.

Wymagania systemowe

    Konfiguracja minimalna:
    • Wymaga 64-bitowego procesora i systemu operacyjnego
    • System operacyjny *: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
    • Procesor: Intel Core i5-4430 / AMD FX-6300
    • Pamięć: 8 GB RAM
    • Karta graficzna: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 2GB / AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB
    • DirectX: Wersja 11
    • Sieć: Szerokopasmowe połączenie internetowe
    • Miejsce na dysku: 10 GB dostępnej przestrzeni
    Konfiguracja zalecana:
    • Wymaga 64-bitowego procesora i systemu operacyjnego
    • System operacyjny *: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
    • Procesor: Intel Core i5-6600K / AMD Ryzen 5 1600
    • Pamięć: 16 GB RAM
    • Karta graficzna: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB / AMD Radeon RX 580 4GB
    • DirectX: Wersja 11
    • Sieć: Szerokopasmowe połączenie internetowe
    • Miejsce na dysku: 10 GB dostępnej przestrzeni
* Począwszy od 1 stycznia 2024, klient Steam będzie obsługiwał wyłącznie system Windows 10 i jego nowsze wersje.

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