Born from an Alternate Reality Game experience created by Alice & Smith in 2019, Cyrano Story is a complex puzzle game designed to ascend to intergalactic forces and give insight into the backstory of Funcom’s cosmic horror game Moons of Madness.
Toutes les éval. :
moyennes (1,068) - 67 % des 1,068 évaluations des utilisateurs et utilisatrices pour ce jeu sont positives.
Date de parution :
16 avr. 2020
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À propos de ce jeu


The Giveaway is now closed. More than 8 000 copies of Moons of Madness and 10 000 copies of The Black Watchmen and NITE Team 4 were given for free. Congratulations to the players that won!

Discover Cyrano Story!

Solve challenging enigmas to uncover the mysteries on board the Cyrano spaceship.

Born from an Alternate Reality Game experiment in Google AI, Cyrano Story is a short and complex puzzle game created by Alice & Smith which reveals insight into the backstory of Funcom’s cosmic horror game, Moons of Madness. The game is based off of Moons of Madness and very much inspired by The Secret World universe.

Originally created as a transmedia campaign to promote the release of Moons of Madness, featuring a live event in Berlin and interactive online community events, the game has since been enhanced with more puzzles and new content to replace the live elements. For hints and help, reach out to the Cyrano Story community on Discord or visit the Game Detectives Walkthrough of the original ARG.

Cyrano Story : A cautionary tale for space travelers.

As the Invictus base faces eldritch horrors, the unaware relief crew aboard the Cyrano spaceship begins to experience strange symptoms on its approach to Mars. As the Orochi employees get closer to the red planet and its twin moons, insanity starts creeping into their minds.

Thanks to the personal audio logs of Dr. Olivia Mason, Navigation Specialist for the Cyrano, we gain insight into the evolution of the team members’ daily tasks, struggles and state of mind during their journey. All the while, descending into a black hole of knowledge and torment because of the hold the planet and its secrets have on the team’s sanity.

A game that learns your darkest fears and offers you insight into the Moons of Madness game!

Players must interact with an unknown force and feed it answers to unlock and understand Dr. Mason’s take on the events. The mysterious force’s voice and eerie reactions will guide the player to true cosmic wisdom, or infinite madness...

To start, access a moon and take the time to analyse each of the visual clues that are presented to find what links them all together. Write your answer anywhere in the floating darkness and wait for a response from the mysterious entity. Good or bad, this presence will react to all your guesses until you’ve broken the seal. Once you’ve solved the enigma, you’ll be given access to one of Dr. Olivia Mason’s transmissions. Her personal logs will give you insight about life on the Cyrano spaceship, her findings, status on the crew’s journey and much more.

Keep in mind that most of these puzzles were originally designed to be solved in teams by entire online communities. So feel free to reach out the Cyrano Story fans on Discord for clues or even take a look at the various ARG collectives. You can also rely on the difficulty labels associated with each puzzle : Sane, On the edge, Crazy, Insane, Mental Breakdown or Higher plane, to brace yourself before you get in too deep.

Configuration requise

    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation  *: Windows 7
    • Processeur : 1.8 Ghz
    • Mémoire vive : 2 GB de mémoire
    • Graphiques : Intel HD Graphics 3000
    • DirectX : Version 9.0
    • Réseau : connexion internet haut débit
    • Espace disque : 1360 MB d'espace disque disponible
* À compter du 1ᵉʳ janvier 2024, le client Steam sera compatible uniquement avec Windows 10 et ses versions plus récentes.
    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation : OSX 10.8
    • Processeur : 1.8 Ghz
    • Mémoire vive : 2 GB de mémoire
    • Graphiques : Intel HD Graphics 3000
    • Réseau : connexion internet haut débit
    • Espace disque : 1360 MB d'espace disque disponible

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