CZAR: Decision is VN-JRPG with classic side-view battle system. Play as Sagara, a mysterious man who was involved in Miasma Incident five years ago, seeking the truth about it.
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Informazioni sul gioco


There are three kinds of people.
The one who keep reaching the light.
The one who stay in between.
And the one who succumbed to the darkness.
This is the story about war, love, and peace.

CZAR: Decision is a mix RPG-VN game. You play the role of an inhabitant of Sriharja Kingdom named Sagara. He and his friends were involved in an incident five years ago where miasma burst out from the ruins, later the suspects were arrested. Today, the incident repeats, revealing the mystery and the truth of the past ...


  • 7+ Hours of Gameplay
  • HD 2D Graphics
  • Classic Side-View and Turn Based Battle System
  • Visual Novel-styled dialogue
  • Original Artwork
  • Music composed by Japanese Composer SHIDO STRIFE

Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo *: Windows 7
    • Processore: AMD A4 4000 APU or Intel Celeron B840
    • Memoria: 2 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: 32 MB with support for Open GL 4.1 and Web GL 2.0
    • DirectX: Versione 10
    • Memoria: 700 MB di spazio disponibile
    • Scheda audio: Stereo 16 Bit 44.1 Khz
    • Sistema operativo: Windows 10 1809
    • Processore: AMD A4 9125 APU or Intel Celeron N4100
    • Memoria: 4 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: AMD Radeon HD 6450 / Intel HD 3000 / Nvidia GT 710
    • DirectX: Versione 10
    • Memoria: 700 MB di spazio disponibile
    • Scheda audio: Stereo 24 Bit 44.1 Khz
* A partire dal 1° gennaio 2024, il client di Steam supporta solo Windows 10 e versioni successive.
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