This is a simple horror game, with an additional cooperative mode and an easy story about a scientist and his experiment on the brain.
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12. juli 2019

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Bemærk: Den sidste opdatering fra udviklerne var for over 5 år siden. Informationen og tidslinjen, som udviklerne har beskrevet her, er muligvis ikke længere aktuel.
Hvad udviklerne har at sige:

Hvorfor tidlig adgang?

“There was a desire to quickly and accurately make the full version of the first game of the company. 3 weeks is already under development on this game and we have achieved certain results so that it can be presented to people and gain audience. Another important factor is “development with players”, this is when players write us their ideas about how they would complement this game or change it to make it better, and we choose the most suitable ideas and implement them for release. . This is mainly to find out what people expect from the game to the full release, so that we can present a decent product release.”

Hvor lang tid vil dette spil være i tidlig adgang?

“Not more than six months after entering the early access. We need to do a lot of work to improve the game and to implement the proposals of the players.”

Hvorledes kommer den fulde version til at være anderledes end produktet i tidlig adgang?

“In the full version, almost all the animations will be redone, especially the cut scenes that reveal the plot of the game. Definitely, the graphics in the game will be more than better. The mechanics of the game in some cases will be completely reworked. It is possible that a new level will be added as an addition to the ending in which there will be interactions with new NPCs, for example, shooting. The testing of the cooperative mode will also be completed and it will be fully introduced into the game. To do this, a new mode will be created, several new maps will be added and the ability to play not only for players, but also for monsters.”

Hvad er den nuværende tilstand for versionen med tidlig adgang?

“The game is ready to exit at 70%. This product has already implemented: graphics, sound, added the necessary models, complete mechanics and artificial intelligence, thought out the plot and the ending.”

Ændrer spillets pris sig under og efter tidlig adgang?

“Yes, the game will be much better than its version from early access, so the price can rise by 30-40%.”

Hvordan har I tænkt jer at involvere fællesskabet i jeres udviklingsproces?

“With the help of our "player development" system. Due to this, we will have the opportunity to have feedback with the audience and implement ideas and suggestions. There will also be informatization about updates and events in our social group VK, where you can also find feedback and help our company in the development of the game.”
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Køb C15 - Horror

HK$ 35.00
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Om dette spil

In our world there are people who make discoveries that are not subject to the ordinary human mind.
Our story begins with one madly enthusiastic, but brilliant scientist. He was a neuroscientist and researched quantum mechanics.
His name is Rage Sinner. Pursuing numerous studies, he once successfully synthesized a serum that could interact with the brain at a quantum level. She could move the subject's consciousness into an alternate reality. In other words, moved a person to another world. Such an event can completely change the way people think about our world. Rage posted ads where he was looking for volunteers to conduct an experiment on living people for a fee. Much time has passed, and, nevertheless, there was a volunteer.
His name was Alexander Grozov. The usual unemployed, engaged in looting and loved to hunt in nature. He desperately needed money, since “work” had not been for a long time, and he liked to do nothing, though he liked it, but it did not bring money. So he decided to contact Rage for an experiment. When Grozov came to the scientist's home, he noticed different equipment, which distantly reminded him of the drug lab of his old acquaintances.
Moving to another world seems like something amazing and wonderful. But is it really?
Subsequent actions decide the fate of Alexander. He needs your help.
Be one of the few who can go the hard way and help the main character escape.
The bonus of the game is a few endings. What awaits you, depends only on you.


  • improved graphics
  • high-quality sound
  • scary atmosphere
  • 3 endings
  • an unusual idea

Also, from time to time, the co-op mode will be tested on new special cards, where it will be possible to play not only for the player, but also for the monster.


    • Styresystem *: Win 7
    • Processor: Intel Core i3
    • Hukommelse: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafik: GTX 650 2 GB
    • DirectX: Version 9.0
    • Diskplads: 3 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: Any
    • Styresystem: Win 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i7 7700HQ
    • Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafik: GTX 1050
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Diskplads: 3 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: Any
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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