Infinity: Battlescape is a multiplayer space combat sim supporting hundreds of players on a single server. Join one of the corporate factions and fight for domination of a seamless, true-to-scale procedural star system. Participate in massive space and planetary battles involving hundreds of ships.
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W większości pozytywne (592) - 79% z 592 recenzji użytkowników dla tej gry jest pozytywnych.
Data wydania:
26 września 2019

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Gra z wczesnym dostępem

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Uwaga: gry oferowane w formie wczesnego dostępu nie zostały jeszcze ukończone i do momentu pełnego wydania mogą ulec zmianom lub nie zmienić się w ogóle. Jeśli ta gra w jej obecnym stanie nie interesuje cię, sugerujemy poczekać, by zobaczyć, czy prace nad nią pójdą dalej. Dowiedz się więcej.

Od twórców:

Dlaczego wczesny dostęp?

„Infinity: Battlescape is mature enough to provide a consistently enjoyable experience and we want to bring the game to an audience larger than our initial Kickstarter backers to gather more feedback, engage with the community and keep improving the game.”

Mniej więcej jak długo gra będzie w fazie wczesnego dostępu?

„The game will stay in Early access until it is polished, feature-complete and we feel confident it has a good amount of content for its price point. However we'd like to avoid staying many years in early access.”

Czym różni się zaplanowana pełna wersja od tej z wczesnego dostępu?

„For the full version we are planning to add more content, mostly in the form of additional planets, equipments, upgrades, missions, squad management capabilities, long-term persistent progression, and cosmetics for both your ship and cockpit.”

Jaki jest obecny stan wersji z wczesnego dostępu?

„The core gameplay loop is solid but the game currently lacks long-term content. We still have to add some missing features, perform a balancing and a final polish phase. Please note that the number of players online is usually pretty low, but the game features a massive war with bots so the server are always up 24h/24 and full of action. The gameplay is a bit on the repetitive side at the moment, but there are always battles going on and you can experience all the ship classes ( custom loadouts will be implemented soon ). Our server software is stable and we've successfully hosted battles involving hundreds of ships or players.”

Czy cena gry ulegnie zmianie podczas i po wczesnym dostępie?

„As the game is in Early access we feel like it's fair for players to pay a lower price to compensate for issues and lack of content they might encounter. But keep in mind we are a multiplayer game and we still need to pay full costs for servers, bandwidth and operating costs. The Early access price will be 10% to 15% lower than the full priced game at release.”

Jak zamierzacie włączyć społeczność w wasz proces tworzenia?

„The community is already heavily involved in the development process, far more than in most other games. We play our own game, read comments on our forums, host community events, and hang out on our Discord server on a regular basis. We are very transparent about our work and have posted hundreds of weekly updates over the course of the game's development.”
Polski język nie jest obsługiwany

Ten produkt nie obsługuje twojego lokalnego języka. Przed zakupem zapoznaj się z listą obsługiwanych języków, która znajduje się poniżej.

Kup Infinity: Battlescape

Kup Infinity: Battlescape & Operation: Harsh Doorstop ZESTAW (?)

Zestaw 4 produktów: Operation: Harsh Doorstop, Upgrade to "Supporter Edition", Operation: Rolling Stone (Vietnam War) Campaign, Infinity: Battlescape

HK$ 336.70
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“When you have talented developers working on a passion project, it creates magic, and that is Infinity: Battlescape”
Eric 'Wingman' Peterson

O tej grze

Redefining massive action space battles

Infinity: Battlescape is a multiplayer space-combat game taking place across a massive, true-to-scale procedurally generated star system that is 100% seamless (no loading screens). Multiple corporate factions are fighting for control of a solar system in a war involving hundreds of ships (players or AI. bots), potentially more than a thousand per-server ( without instancing ), that can last from hours to days. Coordinate with other players to destroy enemy infrastructure around strategic locations, referred to as Battlescape's, across a wide range of gorgeous environments including barren moons, gas giants, volcanic planets, asteroid rings, and more.

Participate in space and planetary battles of massive proportions like those seen in movies such as Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and Serenity. It's not unusual in Battlescape to hop from battle to battle, some of them involving hundreds of ships. Climb the competitive ladder, gain ranks, and complete side missions to support the war effort in your own way.

Earn credits to upgrade and customize your ships, mount better weapons and equipment to give yourself an edge over your opponents.

Team tactics and strategies

Each faction owns a limited amount of infrastructure at each Battlescape, consisting of factories, land bases, large space stations, and small space stations. Large space stations can spawn all types of ship, making them critically important to defend, whereas small space stations and land bases are limited to smaller ships. Factories spawn AI-controlled haulers that transport resources to space stations. Those resources get converted into credits and redistributed on a regular basis to your team's players and AI commander. Players (or the AI) can then spend these credits on acquiring better ships and assembling a fleet to attack the enemy. Battles naturally emerge around the solar system at strategic locations.

Every ship in Infinity: Battlescape has its own strengths and weaknesses, supporting a wide variety of play-styles that each feel unique. An interceptor is small and nimble, good for scouting and protecting capital ships from hard-hitting bombers. Corvettes can be configured defensively, to repair team-mates, or offensively as "space tanks". Carriers are mobile spawn points with limited weaponry whereas cruisers are both heavily armored and heavily armed - capable of quickly dealing punishing amounts of damage to enemy capital ships and infrastructure.

Oświadczenie w sprawie treści generowanych przez SI

Producenci opisują, jak ich gra korzysta z treści generowanych przez SI, w następujący sposób:

Text to speech and some pre-rendered portraits.

Wymagania systemowe

    Konfiguracja minimalna:
    • Wymaga 64-bitowego procesora i systemu operacyjnego
    • System operacyjny *: Windows 7, 64 bits
    • Procesor: Intel core i3/i5 @ 3.4 Ghz or above or AMD equivalent
    • Pamięć: 8 GB RAM
    • Karta graficzna: NVidia GeForce 970 GTX or AMD equivalent ( 4 GB VRAM )
    • DirectX: Wersja 11
    • Sieć: Szerokopasmowe połączenie internetowe
    • Miejsce na dysku: 10 GB dostępnej przestrzeni
    • Dodatkowe uwagi: 30-60 fps in 1080p in Low/Medium
    Konfiguracja zalecana:
    • Wymaga 64-bitowego procesora i systemu operacyjnego
    • System operacyjny: Windows 10, 64 bits
    • Procesor: Intel core i7/i9 @ 3.8 Ghz or above or AMD equivalent
    • Pamięć: 16 GB RAM
    • Karta graficzna: NVidia GeForce 1070 GTX or AMD equivalent ( 8 GB VRAM )
    • DirectX: Wersja 11
    • Sieć: Szerokopasmowe połączenie internetowe
    • Miejsce na dysku: 15 GB dostępnej przestrzeni
    • Dodatkowe uwagi: 60-120 fps in 1080p, 30-60 fps in WHD/UHD in High/Extreme
* Począwszy od 1 stycznia 2024, klient Steam będzie obsługiwał wyłącznie system Windows 10 i jego nowsze wersje.

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