Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Stone Bollards Prop Pack
10 件のコメント
AntonioBernal 2017年3月20日 13時29分 
Omg thanks Lost Gecko, you've just made my day :D
Lost Gecko  [作成者] 2017年3月20日 12時43分 
@vokepasa21 Done ;)
AntonioBernal 2017年3月10日 15時19分 
Thanks for considering, that's all I can ask for! :D
Lost Gecko  [作成者] 2017年3月10日 14時38分 
@vokepasa21 Thanks! I'll consider it indeed, why not coupled with some other old bollards :) I'm not going to make any promise though, we'll see...
AntonioBernal 2017年3月10日 12時24分 
Great set of props, much needed to decorate our cities! I'm going to leave here a request if you ever have the time and inclination to do it. It's just another type of bollard. I'm currently building a realistic version of Cork city (Ireland) and I would love to be able to plop bollards like these here:,-8.472419,3a,60y,217.56h,74.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOko6z1FVuGiG0U0u9VFtXw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

I think they are pretty common for old cities so I'm sure they could be useful and very decorative for a lot of people! Thanks for all your great assets Lost Gecko!
Lost Gecko  [作成者] 2017年2月2日 3時03分 
Thanks everyone!
AmiPolizeiFunk 2017年1月31日 11時48分 
AmiPolizeiFunk 2017年1月31日 9時06分 
Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you :medkit:
Madeushipurpants 2017年1月29日 19時01分 
looks great thank you
theninja35 2017年1月29日 8時06分 
Dude <3