Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Space Music - Brown Coats Style
3 kommentarer
Furykuiku'l 20. aug. 2019 kl. 1.40 
funny thing is its a dedicated server so they auto download all the mods in to their own system they then auto delete when they leave but i will tell my friend that on the server to see if him having the mod helps at all
Kurist Zero  [skaper] 20. aug. 2019 kl. 0.43 
@FuryKuiku'l - sorry mate, no idea why that might be the case. The only requirement it originally had was all players on the server would need to have the mod installed. Maybe someone doesn't have it installed and the server itself is trying to compensate?
I've not played SE for quite a few years, and to be honest this is a pretty dirty mod I threw together in a night haha!
Furykuiku'l 18. aug. 2019 kl. 7.40 
any idea why this wont work on my server if other players are on it will work if anyone of us is on without any other players we have all tested it but as soon as one other player logs on it distorts the music that bad that it cant be played