

Sci-Fi Movie Music Replacer [Soundtrack]
26 Kommentare
Meme Lord Stranger 6. Aug. 2018 um 0:30 
Does this also replace the jukeboxes, hyltotl deck etc.?
Bluesky94 27. Okt. 2016 um 2:28 
Bluesky94 27. Okt. 2016 um 2:28 
This Music Mod is Soo!
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Juxtor 3. Sep. 2016 um 9:08 
So I tried creating a new character to see what it did and initially it was playing a song I hadn't been hearing. But at some point it changed to "Intersteller: Murph Gravity Suite." This is the song that somehow ends up being the only song I hear anymore. I don't undertand why! I will see if there is anything to the "fix" you posted below. I REALLY don't want to wipe my main character's universe though... I've done too much!
Juxtor 3. Sep. 2016 um 8:15 
I have added some mods but I don't think any were supposed to affect music. I'll investigate that. I have tried un-subbing and re-subbing. That didn't seem to change anything. I'll see what I can find out and, if I find a cause, I'll post it here.
CleverAdvisor  [Autor] 3. Sep. 2016 um 1:12 
Added 5 new tracks
CleverAdvisor  [Autor] 2. Sep. 2016 um 22:10 
Also dont know if u tried, try unsubbing and subbing again
CleverAdvisor  [Autor] 2. Sep. 2016 um 22:10 
Maybe you can try this, it was posted by another user.

"Finally figured out the problem. Since I tried making a new character earlier and it worked, I tried remaking my main character and going through everything with admin commands. Still didn't hear new music. Then I remebered that that new character could of possibly only been in single player, and I was testing my main character on the single player universe.

So then I tried wiping my "single" player universe and made a new one with my existing main character, bam, new music. Combined with you mentioning that worlds store the music when created, I put two and two together and realized the only reason I was hearing it in my single player game is because I more or less "am" the server with my installed mods.

So I put the music mods on my server and woo hoo! The new tracks now play! So I guess despite being a client only mod, if the server doesn't have it, it won't work even for players who do have the mod."
CleverAdvisor  [Autor] 2. Sep. 2016 um 22:03 
Did u install any other mods since it happned? I havnt upadated this mod since it came out....which now that i think about it i'll add a couple new songs in the comming days.
Juxtor 2. Sep. 2016 um 20:41 
I'm not sure why, but today, no matter where I go I'm getting the same music over and over. There might be a couple different songs, actually. But something happened to all the other great tracks. Any thoughts as to why this might happen?
CleverAdvisor  [Autor] 29. Aug. 2016 um 20:03 
Glad you're enjoying it!
Juxtor 29. Aug. 2016 um 18:18 
Just have to say that, although I really like the original Starbound music, these tracks are AMAZING. I love the mood they portray. Thanks for putting this together. :D
CleverAdvisor  [Autor] 27. Aug. 2016 um 20:26 
Sounds like a good idea, but i've never played any halo games so it would be hard for me.
MigusChaolan 27. Aug. 2016 um 17:46 
Could you do Halo? I think it would fit well with Starbound, mixed songs of different Halo games in one :O
CleverAdvisor  [Autor] 26. Aug. 2016 um 16:11 
Check out my other mod

I'm planning an update soon to add the experimental tracks
21 26. Aug. 2016 um 15:58 
oh btw, i don't know if you take suggestions.. but
Could you make a "experimental" soundtrack mod?
I don't care if forest exploration 1 suddenly plays on a lava planet or something
You don't have 2 ofc, i'm pretty sure it takes years to make it anyway so no worries
21 23. Aug. 2016 um 6:03 
Works, btw now i can see all the music files.
Any way you made the ogg files fast?
So i don't have to
Youtube Video>Mp3>Ogg>Put in>Rename
Or is that how you did it
21 23. Aug. 2016 um 5:29 
Alright, i'll try. Thanks guys
CleverAdvisor  [Autor] 23. Aug. 2016 um 3:28 
In addition to what bluestorm said, this page gives a good tutorial how to do it.

Use the command line for all mods you download from steam "win32\asset_unpacker.exe" "contents.pak" "UnpackedAssets"
BLUESTORM2112 23. Aug. 2016 um 1:54 
@Reborn unpack it with command line.

It should be saved somewhere like this:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\747401094

211820 is Steams ID for Starbound and 747401094 for this mod which you can see at the top of this page.

If your unsure how to unpack using command line there are plenty of tutorials online, just try Youtube.
21 23. Aug. 2016 um 1:24 
Hey uh, it's me Reborn.
I've tried in 2 hours now to try to open it/extract
No idea how to open it
But i'm afriad i'm doing it wrong
The file is a .pak right?
Camden 22. Aug. 2016 um 3:22 
Alright, Good idea c:
dogmeat 20. Aug. 2016 um 3:11 
9/10, would be 10/10 but featured no gangster rap or kids bop
It's Peanut 19. Aug. 2016 um 17:52 
This is amazing! Best soundtrack ever :c:
CleverAdvisor  [Autor] 19. Aug. 2016 um 17:18 
Unpack my mods and look! If you dont research modding, you wont get to far.
Camden 19. Aug. 2016 um 6:20 
Dude please, tell me how to replace the music in this game! D: