Star Ruler 2
DOF-Shipset-Stargate v1.008
15 коментара
💖 Officer Hotpants 💖 26 дек. 2017 в 20:55 
Jesus. I didn't look at the size of the mod until I realized that Steam was still downloading something 10 minutes after I got done looking at a few items. You're insane, friend. But it's my kind of insane.
GuyWithGlasses 26 ян. 2017 в 20:34 
@dolynick Hey if you wanted it to be a support then that's fair enough, it's your mod. I would never expect you to update it just to satisfy my Stargate OCD lol. And like I said it was easy enough to change it to a flagship myself so there's no problems here at all :)
dolynick  [автор] 26 ян. 2017 в 7:22 
The Ha'tak is a support ship because that was how I intended to set up the faction in DOF Main. I've never been a big fan of having models show up in both hull types but in retrospect perhaps it should have been. It wouldn't be hard to add it to the flagship list as well but I'm unlikely to update the mod just for that. If I remember, I'll try to include that the next time I have a round of updates for the shipset.

Also, thank you for the kind words.
GuyWithGlasses 26 ян. 2017 в 5:20 
Just want to say that I really appreciate stargate mods like this one. They are few and far between I've found, so thanks :) I've been using the Goa'uld set for my Earth faction for a while now(not for any kind of roleplaying reason, just because they look awesome) and I want to ask if there's a reason why the Ha'tak mothership was set as a support instead of a flagship? It's not a problem or anything since it was easy to change. Was just kinda wondering.

Also I have all your shipsets, you have really done an amazing job thank you.
MysticVoid7x9 12 окт. 2016 в 21:00 
I only noticed because I saw I was downloading something for the star ruler 2 workshop
dolynick  [автор] 12 окт. 2016 в 20:50 

Not random at all. I've been working on this update for a month or more. There have been quite a few WIP teaser shots posted to the screenshot section along the way. Random only in I didn't give much warning to when it actually published.

Anyways... I hope you enjoy the update.
MysticVoid7x9 12 окт. 2016 в 20:49 
random update!
dolynick  [автор] 15 май 2016 в 0:52 
Sorry. I generally don't just accept random friend invites unless I know the person or have some idea who they are. Now that you've let me know, send me another invite.

As for a post on the Stellaris subreddit... It wasn't me.
🔥⏱️🔥 15 май 2016 в 0:05 
dolynick I added you to Steam to discuss a few things but it seems you declined which is understandable. I saw a post, that I think was yours, on the Stellaris mods subreddit which linked to this mod. I wanted to discuss porting this
dolynick  [автор] 3 май 2016 в 22:13 
This particular mod is just the shipsets. If you would like custom themed weapons and premade ship designs, you can subscribe to the DOFactions mod. It contains all the actual game-changing modifications to go with the shipset. The shipsets are separate like this so that the ship models can be used with ABEM or other mechanics mods.
Crack 3 май 2016 в 22:08 
like the normal ships i got the new shipset from the dlc when i use the atlanteans sets
dolynick  [автор] 3 май 2016 в 21:35 
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "generic". Care to explain further?
Crack 3 май 2016 в 21:29 
Ancient ships are generic types can u fix this
Death&Taxes 15 ян. 2016 в 14:05 
My game crashes shortly after I enable the mod. At least you can play the others.
PhaseLord773 9 дек. 2015 в 7:33 
anyone elses ancient textures not loading