Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Colors of War - Core Redux
76 megjegyzés
Capybara márc. 2., 8:50 
I know, hence the /joke
Kowalskicore márc. 1., 22:15 
It's a matter of dialect, both spellings are equally correct.
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] márc. 1., 22:11 
Mhm, I hadn't considered that version of the word. ...i'd rather not go through and remake the thumbnail for it.
Capybara márc. 1., 16:22 
Can you change the title to the proper spelling of Colour /j
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] febr. 28., 8:14 
Right, update dropped! Ice Dragons, Camels, and such are fixed... and I added some new Generic Warships.
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] febr. 27., 21:33 
I considered seaponies, but they're a fair bit more complicated to try. I'd have to build their model from the ground up with new animations, which i'm not that experienced at doin.
MichaelDino febr. 27., 21:19 
Idea: Seapony models for hippogriff marines?
Also W on bringing back the mod.
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] febr. 27., 16:05 
Mhm, thats something I forgot to add. Thanks for the catch! I'll fix that right now.
McTibu420 febr. 27., 13:33 
Why do the Ice Dragons not have the dragon models, if I may ask?
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] febr. 26., 23:39 
Never mind, it took me five hours to narrow down what was acting up... the .mod file didn't have its dependencies set correctly.
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] febr. 26., 17:59 
I need someone to check the mod for me, do all the models still pop up (Excluding the issue with the camels)? i'm having a bit of an odd problem getting the mod to actually load for testing.
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] febr. 17., 19:09 
Right, stupid of me... it seems I made a minor mistake in the gfx file and forgot to mark the model as "CMEType2", expect the fix by the end of the week. Along with some new toys to play around with.
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] febr. 17., 19:04 
Okay I think I see what might be wrong, it seems the model for camel SMG's is malfunctioning. I'll put a fix in shortly... mhm, actually. Maybe i'll do a bit more than just that.

In the mean time, pray that someone murders the camels early.
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] febr. 17., 16:42 
I'll check it out and see what happened, worst case scenario i'll just pull the camel sprites
Verard febr. 17., 12:09 
Having same issue with CTD with Camel Sprites
One_Lunch_Man febr. 2., 14:45 
NP, thanks for responding so fast! I'm not trying to complain or nag or anything, whenever you get around to it! Love the mod!
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] febr. 1., 20:54 
Oh god, thanks for letting me know. I'll check it out at some point in the near future, but i'm settling into a new job atm
One_Lunch_Man febr. 1., 20:01 
Hey, I don't see a forum or anything, so I hope this is the right place.

Maybe its because of the new patch, but I'm getting a CTD whenever I zoom in on camel sprites for the Boltrian Kingdom, I've tested it a few times and I'm confident one of those models are the culprit.

Never happened before which is odd, and I don't see how the new update would have messed with it either, but I wanted to let you know regardless.
Häuptling Krull jan. 29., 9:56 
Thank you so much!
Skye Discret jan. 15., 4:09 
Ahhhh thank you!!
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] jan. 14., 22:55 
Honestly, most of my work went into the Balefire Blues mod prior to this. Its alot of fun to do... annnnnnd i'm working on adding a nation from that mod into Old World Blues via Submod right now. :steamhappy:
Have a Rest jan. 14., 20:32 
Thank you so much for making this mod! I've been waiting for someone to create something like this with new pony and zebra models for a long time, and I'm so glad you did. I'm excited to follow the development, and I'm looking forward to add-ons for other countries. I hope to have them soon.
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] jan. 14., 17:59 
Ha :diplomatic:
Holojojo jan. 14., 1:05 
Okay hope my pc crashed thanks Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son:steamhappy:
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] jan. 11., 16:58 
The version marking isn't up to date, but it is safe to use.
Holojojo jan. 11., 13:29 
Is it safe to use this submod because i'm not sure if it's version is up to date.
The Knifer jan. 11., 2:55 
I used to be a trollface but im changed
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] jan. 11., 2:51 
Oh I know, I just find it -Hilarious-.
Kowalskicore jan. 10., 17:05 
Nah man I think it's just a troll.

Ignore trolls, then they get bored and leave. It works.
The Knifer jan. 9., 14:04 
@Supderduper372 I may be fucked in the head and shit but even i think your fucking annoying
Witch ~ jan. 9., 12:26 
I think that guy got issues
Superduper372 jan. 9., 11:26 
UUggggggggggggggh soooo g@@aaaaay this mod is sooo g@@aaay just go play TNOOOOOOOOO uggggh
☭︎SmokingAJoint☭ jan. 9., 4:20 
@superduper372 bro get comfortable with your sexuality instead of going on pp nerves by beeing a dumb ass, this mod aint my thing either but it doesnt have to
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] jan. 9., 3:11 
@Holojojo its fine. People can dislike my mod all they want for whatever reason they want. It doesn't change the fact that over a thousand people like it.
Holojojo jan. 9., 2:04 
@Superduper372 acting like a 5 year old who begging his toy LOL
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] jan. 8., 23:45 
Additional models for the factions mentioned above
Trace Projectile jan. 8., 22:35 
Are these additional as in more choices in unit designer, or replacements? I guess the former but I'm likely not the only one wondering.

@Superduper372 finish your homework.
Superduper372 jan. 8., 19:10 
Stop updating this its so g@ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] jan. 8., 17:20 
Curse my voice to text making the O in Old World Blues a 0
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] jan. 8., 17:18 
I find this small war in my comment section deeply amusing, here everyone grab a trench hat and dig in. I’m just gonna watch this through my field glasses here…/ Nobody tell him that I’m going to be working on a replacement for the April fools Contant in 0WB
Holojojo jan. 8., 13:57 
@Superduper 372, stop being a so spoiled like a 9 year old supper dumper 666
PandaExpress jan. 8., 5:35 
equestria att war is one of the most well made mods in hoi4. and its so cool seeing people make submods of that mod. so shut up if you aint gonna say anything productive. :TradeUnions:
Superduper372 jan. 8., 5:26 
Stop updating this its so g@ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] jan. 8., 2:12 
Ah, the Zebra have tribal models for the south-eastern nations, Roam has its own model set and planes, the western Zebra have their own generic model set, Chirpterra has its own models, Saddle Arabia and the horses have models, Abyssinia has infantry and warships.

Unless you mean things like national focuses and the like. If so thats not the purpose of this mod.
Holojojo jan. 8., 2:08 
And that's all.
Holojojo jan. 8., 2:06 
What about the zebrica countrys with content are you going to add it?
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] jan. 8., 1:47 
Oh, most of the infantry models are in at the moment, are there any from the list in the description that aren't popping up for you?
Holojojo jan. 8., 1:44 
The Infantry Models please updated it and make sure it's updated so i can use it for my playthrough.
Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son  [készítő] jan. 8., 1:38 
Which part needs to be updated Holojojo?

I'm heading to sleep right now, but I can address any problems in the next update.
Holojojo jan. 8., 1:22 
Mr. Sgt Molly Mc'ali'son. Please update your freaking submod now! Or i will call you gay.