Old World
Different Leaders (3 new Nations)
14 commentaires
Revan  [créateur] 1 févr. 2024 à 14h43 
I had a look, changed something, (the error) but the characters are still not showing, and i dont know why! There arent any errors, i dont see it. :(
Same is for the "Maurya" mod, damn.
Wolfwood1316 29 aout 2023 à 9h53 
anyone who thinks Dido is better known that Hannibal is not a student of History, but instead, an activist.

"Known only through ancient Greek and Roman sources, all of which were written well after Carthage's founding, her (Dido's) historicity remains uncertain."

the same historians that wrote about Dido wrote about Romulus and Remus . . .
blaque_czar 17 aout 2022 à 16h52 
If you really want to go the malicious compliance route you can make a mod that has ALL female Leader, or even more terrifying, ALL DIDO':mhwgood:s!
Revan  [créateur] 17 aout 2022 à 16h50 
This is a new experience, with all new nations/leaders, so yes, its "removing" dido for instance if thats what you were saying.
Adding each nations now as a sepperate to take (like maurya) is going to cost me some time i dont have right now.
I see if i can do something with dynasties, so you could take Dido for example (her Dynasty) and all other nations/leaders would be new then.
blaque_czar 17 aout 2022 à 16h33 
I appreciate the diversity as far as a brotha to play as, but yeah, not being able to take over the female characters territory kinda takes away from the experience.
blaque_czar 17 aout 2022 à 16h31 
I didn't know you actually overwrote a character for this mod, could this not be done without taking something away, especially one of the female leaders?
Revan  [créateur] 13 juin 2022 à 23h18 
Ahh, yeah.. :steammocking:
Doomed World 13 juin 2022 à 23h13 
Just commenting on what the person who called your sexist said about the male replacements being far less known. I only Learned of Dido when in played civ 5 I knew who Hannaibal was far longer.
Revan  [créateur] 13 juin 2022 à 18h53 
What are you saying!?
Doomed World 13 juin 2022 à 18h15 
The idea that Hannaibal is less known that Dido is crazy.
Revan  [créateur] 1 juin 2022 à 9h09 
Ohkay... Sneferu was well known, the idea also was to play with Cheops, but you need to make a (father/mother) relation. Same with Cartgae and you're suppose to play with Hannibal, tho hes not the direct heir, but you can manage. ^^
There is another reason theres no female, because there was none where those nations "met" each other to make it short.
neonhigh 1 juin 2022 à 5h29 
You literally replaced the only two female characters with two male characters who are far less well-known than them.
Revan  [créateur] 31 mai 2022 à 7h55 
What do you make think this!? .oO
neonhigh 31 mai 2022 à 4h20 
just say you're sexist and be done with it bro.