

The Excalibur
63 kommenttia
HappyEarthBytes 14.2.2024 klo 17.46 
[Error] Could not read projectile '/projectile/activeitems/broadsword/protectorexplosion/protectorexplosion.projectile', error: (JsonException) Json not an array of size 3 in jsonToVec3B
CombatWomble 16.10.2022 klo 6.55 
Using this item and seeing the forced crying emote makes me smile a little. You accidentally referenced a short story I happen to like.
OomfieAvno 30.3.2022 klo 17.16 
@Keith_qt | yeah your right
Raccoon Racist 13.1.2022 klo 18.45 
its a sword
Spece 31.10.2021 klo 5.47 
nights edge is the unholy sword
Spece 31.10.2021 klo 5.47 
STRONG (make a nights edge version / dark version)
Moonlord 23.9.2021 klo 16.06 
awesome work! Outdone yourself
Neb  [tekijä] 27.7.2021 klo 0.49 
Are you sure you replaced the item? It might be a failure in updating the item.
Meepster_836 26.7.2021 klo 19.55 
I tried to remove the crying animation from the attack with rexmeck's item editor, but despite removing all the instances of "emote" = "crying" (or whatever it was called), it's still happening, WEIRD.
patman 26.10.2020 klo 8.34 
holy fuck
Neb  [tekijä] 25.10.2020 klo 23.18 
I can? I didn't realise!
Dream killer 25.10.2020 klo 9.13 
you can update the The Excalibur
Neb  [tekijä] 25.4.2019 klo 14.53 
Impossible for the recipe thing, you might have already obtained the sword or mod conflict broke the protectorate broadsword and if you read literally everywhere, crying is intended
Jokiu 25.4.2019 klo 12.56 
Also I forgot to mention but the character is crying whenever you swing the sword. Also strange.
Jokiu 25.4.2019 klo 12.49 
Strange. I didn't get the Excalibur recipe upon forging the Protectorate Sword by the Baron with my Human character. I did however get the recipes for the armor of a different mod, Redemption. Think you could look into it for any complications?
Sir Arthur Monkeynuts 11.1.2019 klo 19.54 
thank god an excalibur mod that isnt based off an anime
自由之翼 3.1.2019 klo 6.38 
Neb  [tekijä] 6.12.2018 klo 21.14 
Its not a reference to anything, its just a joke i made, but i guess thats a good coincidence
etherealprime 6.12.2018 klo 15.19 
Ok I think I get it the crying animation is a SOUL EATER anime/manga referance to 'that' Excalibur. You have to have seen that part to understand it. Now it makes total sense 8D. That was a very funny bit in the anime.
patman 29.11.2018 klo 7.01 
I think youve explained before but i forgot
Why did you make it cry
Neb  [tekijä] 28.11.2018 klo 21.35 
Read the third and forth statements in the bugs discussion before stating it over and over again its clearly not a bug so move on
NovaGamingBird 28.11.2018 klo 19.59 
I dont know if its a bug or not but every time i use a melee atack it makes my character cry.
Tellurian¹³ 28.11.2018 klo 19.35 
Is it just me or is the sword about 30 damage lower per swing than the normal protectorate broadsword
patman 20.11.2018 klo 5.31 
patman 20.11.2018 klo 5.30 
im always sad
Neb  [tekijä] 20.11.2018 klo 4.21 
cus hes sad
avium 20.11.2018 klo 0.58 
Nice Mod :D But. Why does The Charakter Cry when he Hit?
Neb  [tekijä] 12.11.2018 klo 21.38 
Ffs its intended i say this literally everywhere its notnsomething that can be a bug
patman 12.11.2018 klo 15.37 
its supposed to do that i believe its in the description but this dingus writes long descriptions so im not checking
Commander Knight 12.11.2018 klo 15.03 
How come each and every time I swing Excalibur, the tear expression happens? and it is not the mouse button is not also binded to that expression, I doulble checked.
Saygon 26.10.2018 klo 21.05 
Anime target, you're slow.
Neb  [tekijä] 26.10.2018 klo 14.51 
Put it in suggestions if its a suggestion otherwise its just a comment
Hilytios 26.10.2018 klo 9.54 
Bad writting skills 100
Hilytios 26.10.2018 klo 9.54 

Hilytios 26.10.2018 klo 9.53 
Or like get a item that makes the sword fall from above and land in a stone when you play the stone just a idea
patman 25.10.2018 klo 6.15 
haha look i was right
Nova 24.10.2018 klo 23.06 
I can't beleive that's not common knowledge to be honest. :/
Nova 24.10.2018 klo 23.05 
Its a Punchy, you can use the relocator (Vanilla), there's a mod you can download to make them craftable, or if you don't mind using admin commands typing the command that patman commented is also an option.
patman 24.10.2018 klo 6.58 
/spawnmonster punchy
and i believe you can find him in hylotl underwater things and pick him up with the,,, relocator thing?? i forget what its called hhaa
Neb  [tekijä] 23.10.2018 klo 23.11 
What target?
Saygon 23.10.2018 klo 22.29 
Please, say what is this target from gifs and how I can get it.
Pt cremisi 23.10.2018 klo 16.43 
HyperFrieza 22.10.2018 klo 15.41 
@Le Mustage Truly AWESOME.
LMSTG 22.10.2018 klo 12.25 
Truly OP.
cryebral 22.10.2018 klo 7.22 
seems i'm unable to craft it, what's the ID?
patman 21.10.2018 klo 18.17 
except i wont because thats boring
patman 21.10.2018 klo 18.16 
what if i did it
Neb  [tekijä] 21.10.2018 klo 18.06 
pay me
patman 21.10.2018 klo 18.00 
do it nerd
Neb  [tekijä] 21.10.2018 klo 17.15 
@Hilytios (Deus Vult) that was the original plan, have it in a stone in the ark that you couldnt obtain until the final boss of the game had been defeated. But i decided against it