Lyceen Race
834 коментара
Haerar 24 февр. в 3:13 
Hi @Asheru, I managed to get working colony deeds going on a private project, but there's a problem with the dialogs meaning if they don't have a quest available they despawn when spoken to :steamfacepalm: working on fixing it up but might release it as an incremental patch (of course requiring your mod and crediting accordingly).

Otherwise they work just fine, providing rent, quests, and able to become crew.
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 23 февр. в 20:53 
Sadly no we never made villages. Should have but due to some issues and the artist leaving the project due to other things that came up I never did towns.
Emerald 23 февр. в 19:52 
Does your mod have towns/villages?
ShyDispatch 17 февр. в 3:00 
Two things.
First, there's nothing wrong with having the lyceen spear just showing up in their ship storage at start. But if for whatever reason they have to have it when the spawn in. Just make a duplicate intro mission exclusively for the lyceen so you can have your cake and eat it too. There is a more advanced scripting method to just give the item without the quest attachment but I'm assuming you don't have the knowledge to do that so the duplicate quest is easier.
Second. PLEASE, remove the warp animation replacements. Specifically I'm referring to the animation for npcs preparing to beam out or landing. The generic warping in space cinematic is fine, that's Lyceen exclusive, but the ingame animation is applied for ALL races. Vanilla and modded. And ruins a lot of them with the green lines.
Haerar 29 ян. в 4:49 
Amazing mod - quick question though, while there is an NPC spawner (available from the penguin) this does not act as a colony Deed - so can't collect rent... Can Lyceen spawn from regular colony deeds if enough "points" of lyceen furniture are present? Are there any lyceen blocks to help with this? Not managed to get a lyceen colonist (such as a chef) as yet, only standard villagers and not with a deed for rent.
W.O.L.F. 23 ян. в 10:41 
Keep up the amazing work!
Sera 22 ян. в 15:38 
Alright. I hope your streaming goes well. I know it can be hard.
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 22 ян. в 8:50 
Not a bad idea I used to think we had a full ship size post but it was just the smallest ship. Ill do it later Im a small twitch streamer so I focus on that as its my only job.
Sera 20 ян. в 18:51 
Good to know but how much smaller. I still don't really know what that size is and me and you most likely have a different definition of scout ship. anything bigger is a cargo ship then mobile fort. To me the rank one ship it has is a scout ship. Why not add a screenshot of it at max size? You don't have to as it's your mod just an idea to help.
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 18 ян. в 9:07 
When the wolves head shows up that is the max size it is not as big as a normal ship but that is due to the Lyceen ship being more of a scout ship. The race lore wise would build a house on a planet. If you want there are mods to have bigger ships with Lyceen. But for the official mod the ship is smaller than normal.
Sera 17 ян. в 22:27 
so wait what is the max ship size? You saw when it has the wolf head but as someone who never downloaded the mod i have no context to this nor a representation of this size. If not for that mention I would assume it's around vanilla ship size. So like what is it's max side?
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 12 ян. в 8:42 
Sadly not that I am aware of. The way we had to put the items into the storage in the first place was the only way we could start the Lyceen with the spear. If someone knows a way to test for a race to add an item to I could change it but I have no idea how to do it atm.
Rotaerk 11 ян. в 22:42 
Is there a fix somewhere to prevent the Lyceen Ancestral Spear from being given to new non-Lyceen characters at the start?
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 18 дек. 2024 в 12:40 
I think one of the skins has that color pattern.
Croissant man 16 дек. 2024 в 20:32 
when the Wolf Link From Twilight Princess
樹皮 14 авг. 2024 в 2:06 
After playing more, I have indeed come across some Lyceen codexes. I'm not sure if I was just really unlucky or if something was interfering. I'm not in the early game, I found them mostly in a Glitch settlement on an Alien planet but they're the first ones I've found so far.
樹皮 13 авг. 2024 в 10:48 
Arighty, thank you very much! I know it's a small thing but I figured I better mention it just in case.
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 13 авг. 2024 в 9:01 
I don't think so but I've never used that mod. I will look into it.
樹皮 13 авг. 2024 в 1:02 
Does anyone know if Enhanced Storage or Arcana conflict with Lyceen codex spawns? I usually gets tons of them but I haven't gotten a single one so far, and those are the only two mods I can think that might be causing issues with that.
angonthewolf 10 авг. 2024 в 0:18 
is it possible to get the decorative cannon on the default lyceen ship while playing with the FU BYOS? i want to use it to decorate my ship but i cant find it anywhere
Tidalbelt 31 юли 2024 в 9:26 the beams for other races aren't meant to have that green swirl (which I'm guessing is caused adding more colours to the default, but I could be wrong about that). It looks good for the lyceen, my only issue is that it effects EVERY race in-game beam.
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 31 юли 2024 в 7:19 
Thats just the default beam. There is a better looking beam mod out there that changes the Lyceen beam. Check out Taehl's Teleport Beams.
Tidalbelt 30 юли 2024 в 19:14 
I'm not sure if you're still updating the mod, but any chance if you are that you would consider changing the beam colour to something without that green swirl, just because that adds a green swirl to all races' beam colours.
Kramer2052 7 юли 2024 в 16:42 
worst feeling ever is opening a chest and being presented with one of those blue books
martin 28 юни 2024 в 23:11 
never used to typed anything in comments before and so I just wanted to say you made a good mod keep it up
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 27 юни 2024 в 14:32 
You start with Tenants and they have a chance to give you a quest to do something for them. When you do they offer to join your ship.
angonthewolf 26 юни 2024 в 6:03 
is it possible to get lyceen crew members or am i just limited to lyceen tenants?
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 24 юни 2024 в 7:23 
You should start with the Ancestral Lyceen Spear and then you upgrade it over and over.
angonthewolf 24 юни 2024 в 4:29 
how do i get the tier 7 lyceen spear? is it a crafted weapon or a unique weapon? also im playing with FU
red palm 12 юни 2024 в 18:33 
i love them. thank you for this mod!
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 23 апр. 2024 в 16:43 
Also I know I missed it by 10 days but Happy Birthday to the Lyceen Race Mod. 6 years and going and I never dreamed something I made would still have so many downloads. 56,866 current downloads. That is mind blowing to me. And all I can say is thank you all. Without you guys the Lyceen wouldn't be where they are today.
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 23 апр. 2024 в 16:37 
To be honest Tag I think it was Tier 4 when it stopped its been a while since I played. I've been focused on the lore of the race and my own Twitch stream after I lost my job at the comic and gaming store I used to work at for 18 years so I really havent been focused on the mod too much other than keeping an eye on it and making sure if people have any bugs I focus on fixing em.
Tag365 12 апр. 2024 в 16:55 
Technically it is said they increase in size only up until the ship gets a wolf head but maybe it should state what tier is the max for size.
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 13 февр. 2024 в 12:09 
Ya sorry about that it was to match the races lore but there are mods that allow for Lyceen to have other ships.
PulseStar5k 12 февр. 2024 в 6:57 
Ship only upgrade to tier 3, and it's note even said in the mod description ... My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 25 ян. 2024 в 12:22 
I believe so unless your playing the Lyceen race then that will cause issues.
Geez 24 ян. 2024 в 4:32 
Is it safe to remove this mod mid-gameplay?
W.O.L.F. 4 ян. 2024 в 5:13 
Keep up the great work! Every time I play I enjoy this mod fully :FurryCutie:
Pixus 20 дек. 2023 в 6:45 
Makes sense, and I get why you chose that. I figured it was worth saying though and I'll have to check out the mods.
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 20 дек. 2023 в 4:41 
The idea behind the base Lyceen ship being smaller is it's more a scout ship. The lore behind the race is they would be more likely to find a planet to live on rather than live in space on a ship. That said there is a few mods that give Lyceen larger ships should you want one.
Pixus 19 дек. 2023 в 19:09 
If you're planning on more development, I can try to sprite bigger ships if you'd like.
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 19 дек. 2023 в 16:52 
Once the Lyceen ship has the wolf head design it has gotten as big as it is going to get. Upgradeing it past this point no longer increases its size but only increases the number of crew memebers.
Brunny 19 дек. 2023 в 2:42 
Tiny ship, level 3 cap. Thats very disappointing. Gotta start new character because of this :steamsalty:
Pixus 14 дек. 2023 в 12:15 
If you're still interested in development for it, could I possibly work on some racial descriptions? Admittedly I'm not too familiar with Starbound modding but I think it'd be relatively easy to do.
AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv  [автор] 2 дек. 2023 в 18:28 
You would have to get a hold of Iamzid and ask for his permission as he did all the art.
Gender Wizard 2 дек. 2023 в 12:53 
hey can i borrow the emote.png specifically? to see how you got them to look good with a dog muzzle?
L1K34PR0 24 ноем. 2023 в 2:56 
can someone help me i can't find the racial storage locker in the industrial crafting bench
☥¤§ÑîGHTMÃRɧ¤☥ 21 ноем. 2023 в 19:59 
this mod is vital, I love the lyceen!
W.O.L.F. 31 май 2023 в 0:01 
i would have some ideas also :)
Empress Vivian 30 май 2023 в 18:27 
if you need help asheru, i will try my best to help you support and even give new ideas to the lyceens! i have been really wanting to get into modding.