

Custom Messages
41 Kommentare
Soblow  [Autor] 30. Apr. 2020 um 6:23 
Why wouldn't it ? :cubetogue:
Robbie 30. Apr. 2020 um 6:16 
Does this mod work with Frackin' Universe?
Soblow  [Autor] 1. Apr. 2020 um 9:55 
(Can we switch to discord to avoid spamming this comment thread ? link is on my other mod page, which link is available just above)
natsumi or something idk 1. Apr. 2020 um 9:52 
Answer to 1: I havent installed anything in ages, and this is the first mod i installed this month. As soon as i installed this i restarted Starbound and tried entering my world resulting in a empty void. Nothing happened before i installed this mod.
natsumi or something idk 1. Apr. 2020 um 9:51 
Alright, thank you.
Soblow  [Autor] 1. Apr. 2020 um 9:49 
1. How can you be sure it comes from this mod ? Your log doesn't give any "evidence" that this mod caused your issue
2. This mod only adds items and objects, and it CANNOT break your universe.
3. You have a number of "broken" mods which attempt to patch recipe, and to add broken guns, and which have no relation with this mod
4. Nothing in your log indicates that your world was corrupted
5. Even if you world was corrupted, you must have a save in your game files (created by the game automatically when it detects something went wrong). I suggest you search online how to restore them (and quickly, as they aren't permanent)
6. Please join our discord server if you want some more help.
Thanks you, and have a nice day
natsumi or something idk 1. Apr. 2020 um 8:09 Heres my log file for bugfixing and stuff
natsumi or something idk 1. Apr. 2020 um 8:06 
Hooray this entire mod f***ed up my world... Probably conflicting mods, but my entire world is just a empty void. + most of my items are generic now.
Soblow  [Autor] 29. Apr. 2018 um 14:27 
Well, you need to put the inscriber on the ground to use this mod...
Soblow  [Autor] 29. Apr. 2018 um 14:26 
Blue_ON 29. Apr. 2018 um 2:07 
client-side mod?
Soblow  [Autor] 18. Feb. 2018 um 9:20 
I don't understand what you mean...
tymefIies 16. Feb. 2018 um 11:42 
Could you make it were you don't have to make 2 copies then right click one and put the other copy there in the item slot? instead were you just out content in then finish and right click and it opens?
Soblow  [Autor] 13. Okt. 2017 um 10:48 
That may be caused by the fact each item is unique... I'll investigate later.
Ralaku 10. Okt. 2017 um 13:47 
If i try to put the item in a chest it drops the item keeping it's content intact. It just drops it infront of the chest
Soblow  [Autor] 9. Okt. 2017 um 7:52 
Can you explain ?
You mean that when you put the paper in a chest, it's erasing its content ?
Ralaku 8. Okt. 2017 um 13:33 
I don't know about anyone else but i have an issue trying to put the new written papers in a chest. i have no idea why. when i try to put it in the chest the chest spits it out.
초식남 6. Okt. 2017 um 5:47 
thank you so much!!:steamhappy:
Soblow  [Autor] 5. Okt. 2017 um 22:36 
Well, I'll try to do that this evening, or tomorrow !
초식남 5. Okt. 2017 um 7:11 
bonjour! ur genius! i eagerly find this mod. which provide diary system! This mod is so needed! God bless you! Could you link this mod? I need to download. because i play sperately fu and origin.thank u and plez. Je suis heureuse!
Pampers® 29. Aug. 2017 um 14:55 
Finally.... Been waiting for someone to make a mod like this for forever... :steamhappy:
Soblow  [Autor] 29. Aug. 2017 um 9:49 
Update : The message is now 600-chars long
Mimots_the_Jellyfish 27. Aug. 2017 um 6:09 
just saw the update and went to see it for myself.

First great work on the GUI ! :D it work very well and max character message are far easier to read now ! :)

As for the max message length ; i would say that maybe doubling the current one (so making it 600 characters) or adding half of the current lenght (making it 450 characters) would be nice and it would make the scrollbar far more useful since the current max length is not big enought to need to scroll down? :?

Soblow  [Autor] 27. Aug. 2017 um 5:06 
Update 1.3 uploaded !

-> Rework of the GUI. There's now a scrollbar allowing to show much larger messages.

I need your opinion about this : How long should be the max message length ?
Mimots_the_Jellyfish 27. Aug. 2017 um 1:10 
Already subscribed wtm also a pretty great mod the kind that you never knew you needed until you could use it ! :D Will check the banner one because i didn't know about it thank ! :D

Soblow  [Autor] 26. Aug. 2017 um 23:35 
Note : there's also an other mod on the workshop which allows playerd to creater their own banner if you want ;)
Soblow  [Autor] 26. Aug. 2017 um 23:34 
I'll add a scrollbar with next update.
If you liked my mod, don't forget to check my other mod : WTM
Mimots_the_Jellyfish 26. Aug. 2017 um 19:21 
Great mod! Sad that the number of words is so limited, but it is also the first mod that i see since i started playing this game that attempt to let player write something and leave said something around. Great for Rp, Great for leaving mocking message to your friend after you just fully repainted their ship while they were out mining.
Just Great.
And seriously needed you have no idea how long i waited for a mod like that :D Thank you a lot for your work !

PS : if it can be done, limiting the number of letter in the content a bit more may be a good idea as the maximum overlap with the text of <== Insert the page here.

Soblow  [Autor] 26. Aug. 2017 um 2:50 
New update released.

It seems like it was avoiding users to write content on a newly created page.
I'm sorry, that kind of bug should never happen again.
(Please send me feedback about this)
Soblow  [Autor] 25. Aug. 2017 um 0:31 
I just uploaded screenshots
Soblow  [Autor] 25. Aug. 2017 um 0:02 
Yeah, gimme time, I was bug-fixing with someone yesterday, for my other mod
*Yuki* 24. Aug. 2017 um 22:10 
Depraved Arachnophile 24. Aug. 2017 um 16:06 
Soblow  [Autor] 24. Aug. 2017 um 13:20 
There was a crash. If the game stuck for 60s and the paper was stuck in the GUI, it means that there was a Lua crash
Cera Ralaz 24. Aug. 2017 um 13:19 
There was no crash, just a lag for about a 30-60 seconds. I'll check my logs for suspicios characters :dswilson:
Soblow  [Autor] 24. Aug. 2017 um 13:17 
@Cera Rataz : Can you please send me the Log corresponding to the crash ?
shinygamy 24. Aug. 2017 um 12:42 
When the mod is very good: Hahaa Yes!
Cera Ralaz 24. Aug. 2017 um 12:38 
God bless you, mod is working fine. Edit content button caused major lag and jammed paper in inscriptor (after closing window paper dissapeared). Other functions seems to work nice.
Soblow  [Autor] 24. Aug. 2017 um 9:21 
Test it before anything, It should work, but I'm not sure !
(I'll add screenshot later)
Cera Ralaz 24. Aug. 2017 um 9:14 