Cities: Skylines
Kemper Corporation (RICO)
Коментарів: 7
Chessman 21 серп. 2017 о 11:49 
honker  [автор] 21 серп. 2017 о 1:12 
@Darf oh ok cool, I'll give it a shot
Darf 21 серп. 2017 о 1:07 
honker  [автор] 20 серп. 2017 о 21:08 
@Darf do you mean make the windows dark in the diffuse map?
Darf 19 серп. 2017 о 0:09 
I would advise to make you windowbackground dark instead of white, looks much better!
honker  [автор] 18 серп. 2017 о 14:11 
@Methos yeah... I noticed that. I will look into it!
Mæthos 18 серп. 2017 о 12:42 
3D model isn't working for me. No building in sight, only a light source to rotate (same on Sketchfab).
But as far as I can tell from the pictures: nice asset.