Rivals of Aether
Obama Chicken
Показване на 1 — 8 от 8 постъпления
Обновление: 14 юни 2022 в 11:04


literally only reverted air speed nerf
5 -> 5.5

Обновление: 21 май 2022 в 16:54

obaba 1.4

+ Bair has less endlag, -6
+ Bair bkb increased, 5 -> 6
+ Dspecial's bombs now have set vsp, will not megabounce if spawned high in the air
+ Minor damage buffs all around

- Max Air speed decreased, 5.5 -> 5
- Jab hitbox sizes reduced
- Ftilt's sweetspot angle was changed, 40 -> 50
- Ftilt's sourspot angle was changed, 60 -> 55 (not as good for jab loops)
- Dtilt's lifetime was decreased, 18(wtf??) -> 6
- Dattack comes out 2 frames slower, F12 -> F14
- Bair now is destroyed on parry
- Bair now has extended parry stun
- Bair now has a 0.45 hitstun multiplier
- Fstrong's angle was changed, 45 -> 55
- Ustrong's finisher is now angle 90
- Fspecial lifetime decreased, 10 -> 6
- Fspecial can only be used once in the air
- Dspecial now has a 0.5 hitstun multiplier
- Other minor nerfs to kb and hitbox sizes

= Fair has more base hitpause, 6 -> 8
= Bair turns Obama around
= Adjusted Strong knockback

Обновление: 14 дек. 2021 в 14:56


all moves correctly set drift and sdi back to 1
ftilt sweetspot angle, 35 -> 40
+ 2 endlag frames to fstrong
Jab when not cancelled + endlag frames
dspec no longer goes through plats, but travel a little bit faster
dstrong no reflect
+2 alts

Обновление: 26 ноем. 2021 в 12:51

obaba v1.3

Minor changes:
+++ Lots of moves are faster, and slightly stronger
- Lots of hitboxes last a lot shorter
+ Wavedash actually works (you no longer have to delay it)
- OC is lighter, .9 -> .95
- Bair and Uair no longer have cooldowns
- Bair has been tweaked to be fair without a cooldown (it's still annoying tho what do you expect he's a zoner)
+ Dair's powerup after Dstrong is more evident
+ Dstrong can be cancelled a little faster
+ Smash stick can be used to attack after Dstrong
- Uspecial can no longer be cancelled into aerials or airdodge
+ Dspecial can now go through platforms
- Dspecial's projectile lasts a shorter time

Major Changes:
+ Speed increased and gravity adjusted to make chicken feel less like a chicken and more like a character
- Jab no longer makes projectiles
+ Jab now acts like an actual jab
- Fstrong no longer uses projectiles (technically a buff)
- Removed charge window on aerials
- Dspecial is no longer transcendent
- Uspecial now has pratfall
+ Article was recoded
- Article no longer recharges cooldowns
+ Dattack was made into Dtilt
+ New dattack
+ New utilt and uair (they were very bad and now they are good)

Обновление: 5 авг. 2021 в 12:36

kfc v 1.21

+ Using Dair after a rocket jump (dstrong) will boost the attack if it hits.

- Jab projectile is no longer transcendent
- Jab projectiles are now slower
- Fstrong projectile is no longer transcendent
- Fstrong comes out 5 frames slower
- Fstrong no longer goes through enemies
- Dair deals less damage

Обновление: 1 авг. 2021 в 19:26

brobama chicken v 1.2

+ added 3 new alts
+ Decreased run startup by 6 frames
+ Increased initial run speed and run speed
+ Increased air speed
+ Jab does more knockback, 4 -> 5
+ Dattack has more kb scaling, .3 -> .6
+ Dattack sends at a lower angle
+ Ustrong is harder to DI out of
+ Dstrong comes out 3 frames faster
+ Bair projectile has more kb scaling, .5 -> .7
+ Nspecial does more damage
+ Uspecial is harder to DI out of

- Waveland time decreased
- Reduced double jumps from, 3 -> 2
- Removed Jab knockback scaling
- Ftilt comes out 3 frames slower
- Ftilt tipper does less knockback, 8 -> 7
- Ftilt hitboxes last shorter
- Utilt hitbox is now smaller
- Funny dtilt hitbox does less knockback and KB scaling, 5 -> 6
- Dattack comes out 2 frames slower
- Dattack does less damage, 6 -> 5
- Fstrong has less kb scaling, .8 -> .7
- Nair hitboxes are now smaller
- Uair hitbox is now smaller
- Bair projectile travels slower
- Bair projectile does less knockback, 7 -> 6
- Dair now does less knockback
- Fspecial has less soft armor
- Fspecial comes out 6 frames slower
- Powered up Fspecial has 6 more frames of endlag
- Dspecial projectile pops sooner
- Dspecial (fart) does less damage, 6 -> 5
- Dspecial (fart) has less kb scaling, .7 -> .5
- Dspecial (fart) has a cooldown, so that you can't spam it as quickly

= Fixed like two pixels on the portrait that were driving me crazy

Обновление: 4 май 2021 в 8:53

Obama Chicken v1.1 is coming in hot!

+ Kirby ability support has been added
+ Final smash buddy support has been added
+ Added new sprites for boosted specials to help differentiate moves
+ Add a new alternate color

- Projectile has far less hitpause. Jab wasn't supposed to be a move that stunned, so this fixes that issue.
- Jab now has 2 more frames of endlag
- Lowered projectile Hspeed from 15 > 13

+ Attack comes out 3 frames faster

- Attack comes out 2 frames slower (But this makes it go further, so it's really a buff)

+ Base knockback was increased from 6 > 7

- Parried projectile will now damage Obama Chicken if it connects

- Lowered sour spot damage from 7 > 6
- Lowered main hitbox damage from 10 > 8

- Lowered projectile Hspeed from 7 > 5, and from 6 > 4

+ You can now see Stal's hitbox in training mode
+ Stal will no longer break if it recharges an attack
+ Stal will boost an attack no matter what window you are in (hopefully)

- Parried projectile will now damage Obama Chicken if it connects

Обновление: 1 май 2021 в 13:36
