Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Actualización: 26 MAR 2024 a las 6:41 p. m.

Actualización: 4 NOV 2023 a las 8:40 a. m.

Still works! the launcher will no longer yell at you saying otherwise.

If any wants to contribute a namelist for missing Chapters at this point, feel free to reach out for credit as a contributor and inclusion in the mod.

Actualización: 29 OCT 2022 a las 12:19 p. m.

Actualización: 17 JUN 2022 a las 1:49 p. m.

The Guardians namelist has been added, which is mostly just the old Steel Rangers.

General cleanup of the mod has been conducted, which nobody should notice. The AI should use the namelists again.

Some groups were linked together so Initiates will pull knight names in chapters where there's a lot of divisions but not a lot of territory (I'm looking at you, Mojave chapter!)

Actualización: 4 JUN 2022 a las 10:25 a. m.

Actualización: 2 JUN 2022 a las 5:37 a. m.

Compatability update. Some changes are likely to come to Western Brotherhood of Steel given how much they've changed.

Actualización: 28 ABR 2021 a las 9:24 a. m.

Texas should be complete! With 218 names in the longest list, and 118 between two others you're expected to use, Texas should finally be free of generic names! This took about 20 hours, so updates to the Alamo and Maxson chapters are unlikely to be soon. While every effort went to removing duplicates, some may exist. If you see them, let me know.

Actualización: 26 ABR 2021 a las 12:56 p. m.

Fix for a missing namelist. Thumbnail may be missing in the modlauncher, but until someone confirms it I won't be chasing it down.

Actualización: 26 ABR 2021 a las 12:29 p. m.

UoA and Lonestar get permission to use the Texas namelists. Any expansions of UoA or LNS have not been at all considered in the namelists. even if they are required to form Texas.

Actualización: 26 ABR 2021 a las 9:54 a. m.

Texas area are added, but not Texan Brotherhood expansion areas.