Spicy's Instrument Themes - Calamity Mod
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Frissítés: 2023. dec. 3. @ 17:51

0.8.0: Maintenance and Cleanup
Yes, I'm still here! But no, the mod is not back in development.
New Additions
  • Songs from this mod's band extension and both unused extensions have been merged into this mod
  • The mod now has a public Github repository[]
  • The Workshop description has been rewritten for cleanliness and clarity
  • The mod's display name has changed to something more sensible
  • The mod's internal name has changed to something more sensible
  • This mod's band extension and both unused extensions have been removed from the Workshop, as their functionalities are now fulfilled by this mod

Frissítés: 2023. dec. 3. @ 17:46

Frissítés: 2020. jan. 17. @ 12:35

Frissítés: 2020. jan. 16. @ 13:33

Frissítés: 2020. jan. 16. @ 13:14

Frissítés: 2019. aug. 6. @ 17:38

Frissítés: 2019. júl. 30. @ 12:48

Frissítés: 2019. júl. 23. @ 8:37

Frissítés: 2019. júl. 15. @ 12:24

Frissítés: 2019. júl. 13. @ 13:23