

Death Egg Robot Beat Mech Replacement
Ergebnisse 1–10 von 18
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Update: 3. Aug. 2018 um 13:28

Moved the light's on the Beat Mech

Update: 2. Aug. 2018 um 9:53

Changed the feet again and erased the Joints.

Update: 2. Aug. 2018 um 8:08

changed the feet and the joints on the Hermes Legs

Update: 2. Aug. 2018 um 8:03

Changed the hips on the Hermes Legs.

Update: 2. Aug. 2018 um 7:59

added Second shoulder and erased the bright parts of it.

Update: 2. Aug. 2018 um 7:56

Edited the thrusters size and added the Second shoulder and erased the bright parts of it.

Update: 2. Aug. 2018 um 7:52

Edited the Hammer Thrusters Front facing texture.

Update: 2. Aug. 2018 um 7:46

Changed the Spike-Fist Rockets Texture (And its projectile)

Update: 2. Aug. 2018 um 7:11

Beat-mechs "Head" no longer glows.

Update: 2. Aug. 2018 um 6:36

Initial Upload (Only had Beat-Mech)